


1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Shadi, Olwen


Soñador, Miruna, Fithcheallach


This character was designed and purchased from CapnKerfufflez on Deviant Art. 

Because they lack proper bodies (with blood, flesh, and organs) it has been a mystery on how Timberwolves reproduce. Years of research have revealed that Timberwolves can actually craft things, though the only thing they ever make is little doll-like things made of sticks and leaves. These dolls are the beginnings of the pups and the number created depends on how many the parents and pack want to have. When the dolls are to their parents' standards, each of the parents will take a piece of themselves (a leaf or stick) and insert it into the doll. This object carries some of the parent's own magic and both will combine to create the magic that the pup will use for themselves. In order to bring the pup to life, the giving of magic is often saved for a night with a full moon. The pups are brought to life and are fed small animals like mammals, birds, and insects. It often is a messy business, since the pups don't know how to draw out the soul with minimal damage done to the body. This improves with time and practice, though some Timberwolves can be quite violent when they feed, just depends on the individual. As with the adults, Timberwolf pups grow up each year by replacing the debris that makes their bodies up. 

One common thing about Timberwolves is that they have bad breath, even the five flower beauties that I have shared with you guys are stinky breaths. It is believed that this is just the vegetation that makes up their bodies is decomposing, but others believe it could be traces of blood and flesh from feeding. 

Another theory some ponies have is that Timberwolves can actually change form. They are normal Gray wolves, who can change form to deal with threats to their territory and the pack's well-being. With this in mind, pups are born the normal way but are able to switch between "normal" mode and "timber" mode. 

  • Wood Pupper
  • Means "believer" in Arabic.
  • - Pure and innocent timber wolf pup
  • - Wants all the love you could possibly offer
  • - Very proud of their flowers and wants you to know
  • His father is an interesting fellow, for he starts life out as a puppet. In the Episode "Spike at Your Service" the Mane Six stages a Timberwolf attack so that Spike can save Applejack's life and repay the debt that the dragon feels he owes to the Earth Pony mare. Unfortunately, an actual pack of Timberwolves appears (lured in by the roar that Rainbow Dash made and racket from Fluttershy's buckets) and Spike is able to save AJ not just from the trio themselves, but also from the "Timberwolf King" that is created when all three merge into one massive Timberwolf. After the wolves are defeated and the friends all leave the Everfree Forest, the wolves put themselves back together and happen to notice the limp form of the puppet. The Everfree Pack used to be nine-member strong, but circumstances had occurred that dropped that number to just three. The sight of that puppet was interesting, enough that the three wolves take the puppet back to their den. It takes some trial and error, but the gamble works. The puppet comes to life and is named Shadi (Arabic for "Singer"). He would later attract the attention of a lovely lone Timberwolf with lilies on her body (Olwen) and she would be allowed to join the Pack. This pup here is one of their offspring (there is also Soñador (female), Miruna (female), and Fithcheallach (male)