Three Cecilia



1 year, 11 months ago



  • NAME Three

  • PRONOUNS he/it

  • TITLE Murphies Law Incarnate

  • VOICE CLAIM Yung Gravy

  • AGE Over 200.

  • HEIGHT 5'5

  • SPECIES No one is really sure!




Three is a calm, often borderline comatose man, being around early to mid-20's physically, yet often dopey in behavior. He has a very laid back attitude for the majority of the time, with little regard for how his.. godly 'talents' affect those around him, a trait learned with time. In his sober moments, he lets the truth of how much he despises his godhood. He views himself as a burden to all of those he cares for, nothing but an accident waiting to happen. He tends to bring chaos and destruction wherever he goes, making a clear path for those to find it.

Personality wise, Three is fairly.. average. Though a bit more relaxed than usual, due to copious weed use. You'd be surprised how much it takes to keep a god high. Anyways, Three has little regard for those around him, a trait learned with age due to his.. unfortunte circumstances. He learned early on that pain was inevitable, and if you decided to care, and only really has moments of guilt and true emotion when faced with those he cares deeply for. Three is a fan of pranks and tends to be fairly giggly, with a steady head despite his personality. Being alive for over a hundred years, with every footstep bringing absolute discord can really make a guy a bit . emotionally stunted. He truly does care for those around him, despite his demeanor, and fears losing those close to him more than anything. Perhaps from an experience long ago, faces blurred by time.

Three has been a god for a while! Being the god of negative outcomes, hes lived .. longer than most that have had his place. He isn't sure how either, but it may be because of him being semi-immortal. Being a god has its perks, I guess. He came from a large family, being the youngest of the other 8. His birth father is unknown to even him, since he died shortly after Threes birth, due to.. Three being Three! Three was slaughtered in a massacre at the age of 10, an unknown god taking pity on the young, misfortunate boy. As he grew older, and older, he realized it wasn't an act of luck, but the curse of his godhood taking another aspect of life from him. However, he did have one strike of luck in his long, horrid life. One of his sisters survived.

Three is a short man, standing around 5'5 and with a lanky build. He is insanely pale, with freckles on almost every inch of his skin. He has very few scars, surprisingly, though it may be due to his godly status. His hair is a orangeish color, similar to his mothers firey locks. He hasn't cut his hair in hundreds of years, so he keeps it in a long, thick braid. His hair is naturally very curly and fluffs out. His eyes are what truly makes him look non-human, having a bright green iris contrasted by the purple goop. Another thing that sticks out on the short man is his tail, which is similar to a demons tail in the way it flicks around, yet expresses thing more akin to a dogs, with a strange, knife-sharp point at the end that fluffed a bit when he got older. He wasnt born with these abnormal traits, but instead they appeared once he had became a god.

Clothing wise, Three has the fashion sense of a blind hobo. He wears a dark brown tanktop, about two sizes too big, with baggy, shaggy beige colored pants that air off at the ends. His tanktop shows side boob, and his top surgery scars. He didn't have to get top surgery due to being a god, but he finds them a meaningful part of his transition. The pants have holes in the upper thigh (whore) and bands keeping the fabric in place, as well as two strings to tighten the waistband. His arms are usually wrapped in some sort of bandage, whether it be due to his luck inflicting wounds or just a stylistic choice, I'm not sure even Three remembers anymore. He has lame ass shoes.




Chaotic Besties

Though the pair met in .. unfortunate circumstances, with due time they became close friends. With both having a sort of negative stigma, they get along very well, especially when throwing shit down for funsies. Three met Vendetta when he was a small child, a terrified young boy. Vendetta is one of his closest friends, one of the only that've survived being near him for longer than a few months. Three finds Vendetta fun, and interesting to be around.




Weird ass angel. Three finds this lil dude funky and interesting to be around, and though he doesnt appreciate the bad vibes, he likes having company that doesnt die within the first five minutes, or suffer life altering injuries. Genesis may be a bit cranky, but Three enjoys his company greatly.



Little dude.

Finch is just some lil dude. No strong opinions, he can sense the misfortune in the bloodline and finds the lil buddy entertaining, especially having heard of his sister, who he deems somehow MORE unlucky than him. He respects the will she had to keep living, whether it be. not very strong, she still made it, which impresses him. He can see a lot of that determination in Finch. He met Finch when they were both young, Finch being about 5. Three, being a menace and having a complete hatred for Clarity, would feed the young child glass, as well as try and kill and maime him as often as possible.



Pain in the ass Co-worker

Clarity and Three don't.. get along the best! Mainly because of her duty with Finch, and Three being the opposite of safety and tranquility, especially for mortals. His existance is the root cause of many of Clarities headaches, and its a mutual feeling. He just wants to hang around the lil dude, he truly doesn't mean to bring the misfortune he does... at least not anymore.


Stuck up bitch

Justice is quite literally one of his least favorite people. She is FAR too serious for his liking and he finds her more of a pain in the ass than Clarity. Justice takes her job way too much like a professional stick in the mud, making Three absolutely LOVE messing with her any chance it gets. Inviting her to his Christmas parties, Trick-or-treating, fucking BAKE SALES. Any chance he gets to be a menace, hes contacting Vendetta to plot.



Creepy Motherfucker

Fate scares the SHIT out of him. Weird ass sewing hands and strangely ominous, which both intregues and terrifies Three. He.. can't help but be curious about his end. What Fate knows. He also finds Gi a weird fuckin lil dude. Scary mushroom.

Ophelia Cecilia

Face blurred by time

......He misses her.


Icarus Pollux

The rabbit in Wolfs Clothing

He made sure what he deserved was given to him, on a silver platter with his kins blood delivered to his doorstep from his misfortune.

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