Atula Calendula



6 years, 5 months ago


-Atula Calendula-

【 Name 】 Atula Calendula
【 Class 】 Witch
【 Age 】 50
【 Height 】 6'0"

Nurturing, Graceful, Chatty, Astute

The respected and revered mother of the Calendula household. She was the sole daughter of her mother, and yearned for more siblings in her youth. Though her sick mother could never provide a larger family for her, once she became of age she channeled all of her energy into starting a family. She is proud of her five daughters, nothing coming before them in her life, though she makes time for her witchcraft, and somehow manages to keep a seat in her local council and run a school for young witches.

After her mother was taken from her by a mysterious illness, she met her best friend Charidemi, whom became the sister she always wanted. They were both young Fillies, and aspired to open a witches school together, and better their community together. However shortly after they accomplished their dream together, Charidemi was struck with a sickness similar to that which took her mother. Before succumbing to it, Atula was asked to take over in the Blooming of Charidemi's daughter, whom had only reached the stage of a bulb. While Atula already had two young daughters of her own, she accepted the bud as her own, and it was thus that Charidemi was able to see her young daughter before passing on. Atula raised the fawn Antirrhi as her own, side by side with Marigold and Caltha her oldest, teaching them along with many other young Uniko in her school, and when they grew into great young women she even settled to have two more younglings, Bailaya and Taygetes. She still runs her school, but is now head mistress attending to many other things in the school rather than the teaching.

Likes: Brewing Potions, Children, Teaching.

Dislikes: Unfairness, Death.


Charidemi Majus The Soulmate Atula's closest friend and confidant. There was nothing the two would not tell the other, and they planned their lives together. When Charidemi passed Atula felt she lost a large part of herself, but pushed on finding new strength in taking up her friends legacy.

Marigold Calendula The Daughter Info Coming Soon

Caltha Calendula The Daughter Info Coming Soon

Antirrhi Majus The Daughter Info Coming Soon

Bailaya and Tagetes Calendula The Twin Daughters Info Coming Soon

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