Elsie Ondiek



2 years, 2 months ago


New OC that I designed, Elsie Ondiek. She is an angel investor... literally.

Ondiek hunts the corporate world to buy control and insight over humanity’s corrupt enterprises. She mysteriously appears before humans as a financial benefactor, but those who take her offer soon find themselves beholden to an austere patron indeed. Those who fail to temper their greed may find their fortunes leading them to an early grave (Ondiek can be old-school that way).

I decided to base Ondiek on the killer whale, due to the “big fish”’s association with wealth. Killer whales also bear the honor of being secretly dolphins (the “angels of the sea”).

Her patronymic is of Luo origin meaning “beast”, and her Christian given name Elsie is derived from “God is bountiful.”

Ondiek regards Tiernan (my sheep-themed angel OC) as a friendly rival, another angel working towards different ends on Earth.

Visual Design Notes

  • Shaved head, inverted triangle face shape, ice blue eyes, orca spots above her eyebrows
  • Tall V-shaped body, swimmer's physique. Broad shoulders tapering down to long limbs
  • Nilotic appearance, dark and cool in skin hue
  • Off-the-shoulder coat that is split in the sleeves and sides, giving a sharp, finned look
  • Halo circlet, layered bead necklace
Aesthetic Ideas: Art deco, contemporary, modern, modern-baroque