


1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Celest (aka Celes, Cele)
Age: ?? Adult (not sure how snake age translates, or if her species ages differently than normal snakes)
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: flying, calligraphy, Grawberries (grape strawberry hybrid), sweaters, soft music
Dislikes: mud, deep water (especially the ocean), meat, cats

Celest is not a pet, as she is a magical snake with full sentience. She is instead a companion to Isiah, an unstable magic user who saved her from testing.
She has a non-lethal venom that causes relaxes one's muscles and makes them lose consciousness, she avoids using this as an overdose of her venom can be lethal (cw// death)

because when overdosed, the muscle relaxant can cause a heart to stop beating.

But in rare cases she has had to use it to sedate Isiah, to protect him.

She cannot speak vocally, due to a lack of vocal strings; but she communicates telepathically. She can only do so with anyone in-tune at all with magic.
Although she has learned to write with the end of her tail, and uses writing to communicate with people who are disconnected from magic.