


1 year, 11 months ago



Calypso was born around 300 years ago to a reasonably well off family. She spent her youth deeply unhappy with the amount of control her parents insisted on having over her life, and when she wasn't outright fighting with them she was sneaking away at night to sit on the bridge over a river near her home, just to look at the water and the stars.

On one such night, she was approached by a stranger carrying a scythe. The sight was so sinister, she couldn't help but laugh - for a moment, she thought the grim reaper had come for her. But the stranger assured her he was only making sure she was alright.

On pestering the man to tell her about himself, she learned that he wasn't the grim reaper, but a figure known as Nemesis. It was a name he had inherited from others before him, associated with a duty to locate those falling to madness from overuse of magic and sever their ties to this world - an important duty to be sure, but a thankless one, with no higher power to enforce it. His scythe was equipped with a blade that could cut through reality itself, and as long as the scythe was bound to him, he was unable to die. It was an empty existence, as he described it, but Calypso was rather fascinated with Nemesis regardless. She strongarmed him into a friendship with her, and the two would meet every so often on the bridge to chat. She liked to joke about stealing his scythe from him so she could escape the life she hated, but he clearly never found it very funny.

Their friendship persisted for a few years, until the fateful day that a magician in Calypso's own town became one of Nemesis' targets. As it happened, that magician managed to put up an impressive fight. They were able to incapacitate Nemesis while they readied a spell that would surely destroy the town, and in a desperate act to save it, Nemesis passed his scythe to Calypso. In doing so, she became Nemesis, and he was finally able to die - but not before apologising to her, telling her that he wouldn't wish this fate on anyone.

She came to understand what he meant pretty quickly. The Scythe of Nemesis overtook her magic core completely and burned itself into her soul, making her able to hear the voices of madness coming from all over the world, with no way to shut them out short of cutting them from the world herself. What's more, she hadn't been prepared for the reality of immortality. Over the years she faced endless hardships trying to build a life for herself, and she came to know loss after loss after loss. She grew somewhat used to her state of being in time, and resolved to enjoy it where she could by moving between different places and careers and watching the world change around her, but there was a deep sadness at her core that was always mounting, never really going away.

Luckily, she was able to meet Cyra along the way - a fellow immortal filled with a similar misery about the whole thing. Calypso helped Cyra to cope with their situation and shared the wisdom she'd picked up in the past couple of centuries, and within a few years, they fell in love. Having someone to share her long life with that she won't one day lose isn't enough to put the misery out of her mind completely, but it's a lot better than it was. She was invited to work at the Dusk Company by her old friend Lilith, and has made friends there that mean the world to her. She's quite content with her life as it is now - she reckons that these next 50-odd years could be some of her best yet.

  • Likes to relax (read: slack off)
  • Light-hearted and playful
  • Plays pranks on her friends
  • Gives great advice
  • Hides her sadness with humour
  • Fruit and sweets
  • Modern fashion
  • Being spoiled
  • Gullible people
  • Trashy TV
Core magic

Since taking on the Scythe of Nemesis, Calypso no longer has access to her own core magic, as the scythe has fused with and overtaken her magic core. As such, the scythe is her equivalent of a core magic.

Calypso can summon the Scythe of Nemesis at will. The scythe has two blades - the waxing crescent and waning crescent. The waxing crescent is able to slice through physical matter, while the waning slices through reality itself. The latter is used both for severing an individual's ties to the physical world and for effective teleportation, which is a key ability that Nemesis needs. Using the waning crescent blade, she slices open rifts in space which she can walk through and re-emerge wherever in the world she chooses.

Calypso's bond with the Scythe of Nemesis also gives her two additional abilities. Firstly, she's unable to die, and secondly, she hears the voices of madness from those who are losing their grip on reality, anywhere in the world. This ability is very difficult to live with.

The most difficult part of playing the role of Nemesis is the fact that it's deeply lonely work. Nobody knows how the scythe first came to be or where Nemesis originated from, and there's no authority supervising or managing her to make sure she's doing her job. In fact, there's no reason to do it at all besides keeping the voices of madness at bay. Because of this, Calypso believes she could never pass the scythe on to a successor - it's a kind of empty and miserable suffering that she could never inflict on someone else.


Cyra Renata

As best as she remembers, Calypso met Cyra around 50 years ago. She was attracted to her immediately and flirted with her shamelessly, but it took a few more years for them both to take their feelings seriously enough to start dating. Having a fellow immortal partner has meant a lot for Calypso, and they've had long enough of loving each other and living together now to be very comfortable in each other's company - although the honeymoon phase never really seemed to wear off for Cyra. They spoil Calypso constantly, which Calypso certainly doesn't object to. Sometimes she's caught up feeling like Cyra deserves better than her, but she knows Cyra is committed to her for this lifetime either way, so all she can do for them is try to give them the best life she can.


Njall Grimnir

close friend
In her many years, Calypso has met a number of people who fit into her life like perfect puzzle pieces, people who become her closely treasured friends for as long as their lifetimes last, without her ever feeling the difference in years between them. Njall is the latest such person - as soon as they met, they just clicked, and quickly became each other’s closest friend. They can bounce off each other with lighthearted banter for hours, but they're also on the same page emotionally, and she finds it easy both to confide in him and to give him advice. She earnestly believes that he is wonderful, truly wants the best for him in his life, and she cherishes every day she has with him.


Lilith Dusk

old friend/current employer
Calypso has known Lilith for a long time. They would run into each other every so often over the past few hundred years, meeting for drinks and chatting about their respective lives and work. When Lilith opened her own investigative agency, Calypso was the first person she approached to work for her, and Calypso was enthusiastic about working with someone she liked and trusted so much. They work together very well, and as about the only person older than her that she's ever met, Calypso greatly appreciates the perspective Lilith can give her on her own life. She still considers her more of a friend than an employer.


Dren Avalon

good friend
Calypso met Dren through Njall, and they have since become great friends. They share a similar silly sense of humour, so they enjoy joking around together (and driving both Cyra and Njall up the wall in the process). At the same time, Dren doesn't enable Calypso in her attempts to avoid work, so he's one of the better at dealing with her. Although things are generally genial between them, Calypso worries about him a lot, being privy to many of Njall's concerns about him, and she tries to give him advice from time to time, but she feels that she doesn't really have the power to change his mind about anything.


Ginger Hummel

good friend
Calypso has known Ginger since she was a little girl, and has always been very fond of her - she likes to think of herself as a fun babysitter for her. They make a chaotic duo who are always getting up to no good in each other's company, but she does try to gently set Ginger on the right path. She's enjoying watching her grow up into a wonderfully strange and infallibly charming young woman.


Esca Lumine

good friend
Perhaps surprisingly, Calypso and Esca get along very well. They have similar interests in fashion and makeup which they always enjoy talking about, and Calypso generally likes playing along with whatever Esca is going on about, so Esca has no complaints about her. She's very appreciative to have them as a friend, they really are a constant source of entertainment for her.


Anatole Io Aglais

Like Ginger, Calypso has known Anatole for a long time. She was curious about him initially, but by now it's pretty much worn off. Now, she amuses herself by trying to mess with him and make him laugh, but she's never been particularly successful at it. He tends to be pretty rude to her, but she doesn't mind, it's all in good fun.


Leonis Roth

Calypso teases Leonis a lot, and it varies whether or not they can tell she's doing it. Although he sometimes gets annoyed with her, he respects her as a superior and acknowledges her strength, so he's generally pretty obedient. She likes to exploit this by getting them to do things for her as much as she can get away with.

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