


1 year, 11 months ago


Dahg the derg. A noodle derg.
(Dahgy to some)

And as of writing this (on June 27, 2022), my current 'sona. I do have to admit that having a character have practically the same name as the username that you use is a little bit... strange(?) Like it's fine to share it and be called the same name when people refer to you or your 'sona. But what if I were to make another 'sona sometime in the future but keep my username around. Oh well... that's a "problem" for a future me to solve.

He has a long neck with a fin of waving water that runs down the back of it. Some doofy curved fangs?/tusks??/front teeth pop out from his mouth; they're not sharp so you won't get hurt. You will get hurt if you somehow get poked by the horns on his head. You know what they say, "Every derg has his horns."

Other things to note:
   * He can shoot water out of his mouth.
      - "Dahgy, use Water Gun!"
      - "Now's not the time to use that."
   * He's skin and bones. Or should I say: scale and bones. Not an ounce of muscle on him.
      - Bara Dahgy isn't real. He can't hurt you.
   * He (author's note: 'he' meaning 'I' in this case) will cry if you call him cool.
      - He is not a "cool and mysterious" fella. Only a goofy idiot.