




Item #: SCP-XXX

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is allowed to limited freedom within the facility to wander and interact with staff under the condition of regular psychological evaluation and interviews to monitor its emotional state, knowledge acquisition, and any potential change in behavior. Any instances of the subject shapeshifting abilities, change in behavior or new anomalous traits should be documented and immediately reported to the Site Director for further analysis and containment adjustments if necessary. The entity is not allowed to interact with other anomalies without explicit authorization from Site Director or higher authority. If SCP-XXX requires temporary relocation to another site or location outside the facility, it must be accompanied and supervised be at least one Level 3 or higher personnel.

In the event of a breach or potential breach by SCP-XXX, personnel are authorized to use non-lethal force to subdue and recontain it. Lethal force is only to be used as a last resort.

Description: The subject, designated as SCP-XXX and colloquially referred as "Junior” is an anomalous shapeshifting entity. The default state of SCP-XXX is one of a small ball of what seems like goo, compact enough to fit enough in a human hand, however, it commonly presents itself as a small humanoid standing at aprox 135 cm tall. The anomaly lacks the ability to speak, only capable of making gurgling noises, it oftens over compensates by actively researching and exploring alternative means of effective communication.

The entity posseses a remarkable ability to assimilate new information at an extraordinary rate, displaying an exceptional ability to swiftly absorb and comprehend information presented to it. It frequently displays a strong inclination to seek new knowledge, becoming restless during prolonged periods without any learning opportunities. At its core, the creature exhibits a deep-seated curiosity that is intrinsic to its nature. It has been established that the entity lacks inherent morals or values of its own and operates solely based on learned concepts of what is considered 'correct.' Everything the entity learns appears to become deeply ingrained in its mind, making it challenging to alter its beliefs unless substancial evidence to the contrary its presented. The anomaly also demonstrates an exceptional capacity to swiftly and effortlesly change forms, maintening them for extended periods of times without significant difficulty. Notably, it exhibits an aversion to assuming the appearance of any human being.

Although its behavior is typically calm and collected, the subject has displayed instances of intense violence and aggression towards perceived threats. It consistently demonstrates a propensity to swiftly attack whenever it feels the security of the personnel is compromised.

Addendum #XXX-1:

During Experiment-XXX-12, conducted on ██, it was observed that SCP-XXX's eyes maintain their distinct appearance regardless of its shapeshifting abilities. The entity transformed into various objects and organisms, including a dog, a potted plant, and a personnel member, yet its eyes remained visibly unchanged in each form.

Addendum #XXX-2:

During incident [REDACTED], SCP-XXX actively hunted down and neutralized two dangerous targets, displaying remarkable efficiency despite its small size. Attempts to stop SCP-XXX while it "hunts" have been all proven ineffective. It is reccomended not to intervene while the subject is in this state.

The proposal to employ SCP-XXX for the purpose of re-containing or neutralizing challenging anomalies remains an ongoing topic of discussion among personnel and containment specialists.

Addendum #XXX-3:

During another experiment, SCP-XXX was shown a different kind of visual stimuli, subject displayed a notable decrease in restlessness and agression when presented caricatures designed for children and babies. Further research and tests revealed that items such as plushies and children's learning utensils also have a calming effect, but also managed to keep the entity entertained.