


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Quartz

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Hair color: Purple

Eye color: Dark grey

Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: fire breath, control over crystals

Weapon(s): claws, tail, fangs, sword

Birth town: Azuleo's Mansion

Previous towns: Azuleo's Mansion

Current town: Dante's Mansion

Birth allegiance: Azuleo

Previous allegiances: Azuleo

Current allegiance: Azuleo

History: Quartz is born from the forced union of Azuleo and Dante. Quartz was born the weakest of the litter, but had the will to live. He was raised by his mother most of the time along with his brothers, Azuleo trying to keep them away from Dante's "bad influence".

Personality: Quartz is calm and reasonnable. He doesn't talk much due to anxiety

Strengths: His calm in all situation, his skills in close combat

Weaknesses: his fire breathing, anxiety

Family: Azuleo (mother), Dante (father), Sam and Eon (brothers)

Partner: N/A

Friends/relationships: N/A

Likes: his brothers, training, his mother, watermelon, drawing and reading

Dislikes: strawberries, his father

Fears: fights between his parents

Sayings: "It's not because you're loud that you're brave."

Extra: Quartz is the most overprotected by Azuleo.