


1 year, 11 months ago



name berry
future name berrysnow
age 7 moons
gender female (she/her)
height 8 inch
orientation heterosexual
species calico/domestic long hair mix
role healer trainee
theme ()

status nfs
worth nfs

berry is the youngest of her siblings, but she is arguably the most hard-working. her brother and sister were gifted with fighting and tracking skills from birth, but berry was always more reserved, and wasn't as interested in those sort of roles within the clan.

she became interested in being a healer when, as a kit, she had to run and get the healer because a queen had begun to go into labor in the nursery. she was taken out of the den for the birthing, but she peeked through a whole in the wall of the nursery and watched from afar. she was fascinated by the healer's skills and ability to keep the queen calm, and she decided that she wanted to be just like him.

she spoke with junipersap, the healer, and hung out with him a lot during her kithood. she paid close attention to what herbs were what and where they were stored when she hung out with him, and eventually he started letting her help him sort herbs. she became very skilled, and this convinced junipersap that she was the trainee he had bene waiting for. she was named berry a moon later, and became a healer trainee as she had wanted.

  • learning new things
  • sweet smells
  • birdsong in the morning
  • thunderstorms
  • fighting with her friends
  • the smell of rotten herbs

educated ignorant

empathetic logical

organised messy

honest insincere

design notes
  • her design is asymmetrical, as are her flower petals. her right side has more white and hardly any brown markings.