


6 years, 5 months ago


Failed experiment #4021

This bab is blind, cannot hear much except the static in it's ears, and can smell nothing except the sharp smell of chemicals in the air. A green slob drips from it's maw, and shiny teeth grow in various places of it's body. When scared it runs full tilt, hitting walls and furniture and everything else in it's way.
Once taken out of the lab, it calms. It's ragged breaths slows, the sludge stops flowing, the static get quieter. And it can see beyond sight, see the electricity, scan the environment around it and get around incredibly well. It's very intelligent, and is able to solve puzzles in seconds. A lot of places on it's body are too painful to touch, but I'm sure you will find a place that it likes having scratched. It's a very brave kiddo. It's markings glow and pulse in the dark.

While generally unloved by it's creators for not living up to their full expectations, "Sparky" as it has been dubbed by fellow experiments, has been allowed to live if only due to it's intelligence while outside of the lab. Tracker S.E.P.T.R is particularly fond of him and might exaggerate the canine's usefulness in order to keep him around.