


1 year, 11 months ago


Basic Info:

Pronouns: she/Her
Height: 5'10"
Family: N/A
Magic type(s): Fire, Dark, Water, and Healing


-She is usually serious and pokerfaced. She rarely is seen with a smile, only typically being seen when she is spending time with her spirit/creature companions or when teaching young kids.
-She’s very protective of those in her town, treating them all as family and always welcoming them back with open arms should they decide to leave.
-She will be much more open to those with magic abilities than those who don’t, however only those who know her well can likely tell the difference due to her stoic nature and rarely changing expression. 


Growing up, Teraphina was often outcasted among her peers. The small town she was born in had very rarely experienced anyone with magic abilities, and certainly not any with her level of capabilities.
Most the other children avoided her and their parents were quite vocal about their wariness towards her. This only became worse when she would be blamed for the fire that would engulf several homes, including her own.
Despite the fact she lost her own parents to the flames and was mourning, the town would point at her as the cause and persecuted her for it.
At first, she was too much in shock to argue, not sure if she could live on without her parents.
However, the moment the town council seemed to decide she should be put to death for her sin, she came to her senses. Her sadness turning to anger at the unfairness and her hatred for the villagers boiled over.
In the blink of an eye, she would lash out, both escaping and ending the lives of several people that attempted to stop her. The villagers would give chase and for a long time would post wanted posters of her, never changing their belief that she was the cause of the fire that day.

After leaving her village, she would roam from town to town. She’d keep to herself for the most part, only interacting with those who also had magic abilities.
They would trade information and learn from one another, possibly sharing their stories as well.
She would eventually create a sort of “safe haven” deep in the mountains for anyone that shared similar experiences and discrimination she had, or for anyone wanting to learn and expand their knowledge on magic.

-out of all those living in the safe haven, she is one of the oldest and most experienced
-due to her travels and knowledge, she has a large variety of magic types she had learned and mastered
-since the safe haven has many skilled in magic, the high mana concentration often attracts many Spirits and magical creatures, she will take care of those who often visit