Officer Strong



1 year, 10 months ago


age 43 present day
Officer Strong
aliases:  a.k.a. Stanfield Strong
gender:   cis man — he/him
orientation:  straight
born:  12/13, location unknown
occupation:  cop
residence:  city police department, uptown
height:  6'10"
favorite thing: the smell of engine exhaust
lunch of choice:  a hoagie
etc:  song


Tough on stains and even tougher on crime, Officer Stanfield Strong is a transfer from an out-of-town police department. He was moved to find a place that better matches his... enthusiasm.

He strives to be the best cop in whatever department he's in, making sure he always follows the rules and punishing anyone who doesn't. He's a big believer in respect being owed, not earned, especially towards heroes like him and his colleagues.

Some may call him one-note, but he takes this as a compliment. Who doesn't want to be so well known for their work, others will think of you when it comes to mind?

The Planet's Tears phenomenon has really got people in a stir. It's certainly got everyone occupied, especially those in the force. Now that they've been causing problems, he's making sure that despite everything else, he's here to keep the peace.

Captain Rosesuperior
Always makes sure to follow her orders. She's got superiority and seniority over him, so of course she's going to have better judgement. She always does what's best for the force.