Crackle the Muntjac



1 year, 11 months ago


Name Sylvia

Called Crackle the Muntjac

Age 30

D.o.B. March 26

Gender Cis female

Pronouns She/her

Height 4'0" (120cm)

Build Lean

Species Reeve's Muntjac Deer

Role Dishonored G.U.N. tactician

Demeanor Cold, calculating


HTML Pinky

Ambitious • Cruel • Aloof • Corrupt

A career military tactician gone rogue, Crackle the Muntjac has turned her back on justice and embraced the dark underworld of Mobius. Her endless thirst for power and superiority has led her to Dr. Starline, with whom she shares an unusually intimate relationship. While she may hold a deep affection for her platypus companion, this hasn't softened her outlook on the rest of the world. She will stop at nothing to see both her and Starline's goals realized. Anyone who threatens either her way forward or Starline's safety should be prepared to fend off her electrified weapon. Her delight in inflicting suffering upon enemies only fuels her further.








Crackle began life in Empire City with a competitive spirit and a mean streak. Former classmates would have described her as enviably smart, but also a bully. As she got older, she devloped an interest in G.U.N.. Once it was set in her mind that she would be a military tactician, she threw herself into her schooling and pored over history books of wars and combat.

Life With G.U.N.

After passing the G.U.N. entrance exams with flying colors, Crackle set to work stomping out her competition for promotions and schmoozing every higher-up who would give her the time of day. Her efforts were rewarded when she became a minor celebrity within G.U.N. for her ability to anticipate the movements of Dr. Eggman and his forces, and respond with punishing blows. Her real time to shine, however, would come when the War to Take Back the Planet broke out. Crackle did her best to outperform her peers in every aspect of the war effort, from opening up corridors for the Resistance to personally conducting interrogations of captured enemies.

Her free time during her tenure with G.U.N. was mostly spent socializing and having casual relationships. She would quickly cut off anyone who didn't hold her interest or tried to get too close--in other words, none of her relationships lasted for very long.

At work, her harsh reactions to those she considered beneath her, as well as her cruel interrogation methods, eventually caught up to her when the war ended and G.U.N. dishonorably discharged her, citing the bloodshed and suffering she left in her wake--for both coworkers and prisoners alike.


Almost immediately, Crackle began plotting to take back her position of power--and then some. When she learned of Dr. Starline's work, she saw an opportunity to ride the coattails of his success and propel herself towards revenge even faster. Although the beginning of their time working together was fraught with arguments and power struggles, her aggression eventually thawed into respect and the two managed to form a bond of trust and, more importantly, revenge against the people who wronged them.

After Starline was nearly killed in the Eggperial City, Crackle wholly devoted herself to protecting him. All of her time and energy was diverted to warding off any threat, real or potential, while he recovered. She currently pushes herself beyond all physical and mental limits to keep him safe, sacrificing her own well-being for his.

  • You aren't allowed to use her real name, Sylvia, unless you either 1: are Dr. Starline, or 2: have a death wish.
  • Not many can tolerate Crackle's abrasive personality; her desire to eclipse nearly everyone else and exact revenge for any perceived slight means she is often blunt, domineering and manipulative. Anything she cannot quickly learn and master is considered beneath her. Below the surface, however, is an insecure and shy individual. Very few have witnessed this side of her, and she will keep it that way, thank you very much.
  • Her time at G.U.N. included access to files on many significant people: their personalities, location, interests, sometimes even their favorite foods. Crackle will not hesitate to use this knowledge to her advantage.
  • Much to Dr. Starline's annoyance, Crackle looks down on Dr. Eggman and doesn't see the genius that Starline does. Instead, she sees an overblown mad scientist drunk off his own power. She feels that Eggman and Sonic's rivaly is only a destructive nuisance standing in between her and Starline's dominance of the planet. She can't understand why one doesn't hurry up and destroy the other already, but she would be quite happy to do the job for them.
  • She would like to travel the world more often. She made Starline promise to take her to see the place where he grew up in Spagonia. How likely it is that he will ever deliver on that promise is a different story.

Dr. StarlineWork partner, lover
Being the type to always get what she wants, Dr. Starline became a secondary target to Crackle... albeit a target of a more romantic type. While a thin vein of jealousy and competition continues to run below the surface, these two villains have somehow channeled their attraction into a working romance. Crackle has grown to respect his abilities and his place as the expert scientist. She does, however, take pride in being the better fighter. She insists on acting as a bodyguard, partly because she cares and can't stand seeing him hurt, but also to impress him and remind him that her skills are still better. Each one enables the other in their twisted world view, feeding off each other's energy when they're plotting their next move. Just don't bear witness to their more tender moments, like comforting one another in the face of failure or cuddling up on a cold evening--you won't live long after that. :)


Dr. EggmanEnemy
Second only to her goal of taking revenge on G.U.N., Crackle would not hesitate to take the opportunity to bring Dr. Eggman to his knees. In the small handful of times Crackle has interacted with Dr. Eggman, she has found him to be irritating and overdramatic. During her time with G.U.N., she pursued him relentlessly as he was the one enemy whom she could never defeat outright. Because they rarely interact face to face, he can never remember who she is--something Crackle takes deeply personally. To him, she's just another little animal trying to interfere with his plans. To her, he is the enemy who broke Dr. Starline's heart--and he must pay.


Kit and SurgeFormer Subordinates
Dr. Starline and Crackle have clashed over a number of things, but perhaps one of the biggest polarizing issues was Kit and Surge. While Starline saw no issue with pushing his henchmen, Crackle saw the disastrous potential of unhappy lackeys. Realizing it was easier to ask Starline for forgiveness than permission, she began attempting to manipulate Kit and Surge into believing she was sympthetic to their suffering behind Starline's back. Her attempts were only partially successful, however, as Surge never did more than slightly warm up to her, distrusting anyone connected to Starline. Kit was likewise wary of Crackle, and preferred to keep his distance. After the two went missing in Eggperial City, Crackle focused completely on Dr. Starline, and is unaware of their current status.