


2 years, 2 months ago







Birds, rodents, fish

Rocky, forrested, treacherous, river, sandy banks, diverse trees, cliffs



ㅤㅤㅤRidgeClan is a relatively large and secluded Clan of cats fending for themselves in a mountainous, forrested area. Named after the steep cliffs they live near, members of RidgeClan have adapted to live in this treacherous terrain. Summers are warm and the winters have been getting steadily cooler throughout the years, potentially spelling out disaster for the group...

ㅤㅤㅤThe members of the Clan are tough and skilled, catching the various kinds of prey that inhabit their forrest, from birds to squirrels to even the fish swimming in the river that cuts their territory in two. The river itself is large and feeds in from a spring that the cats of the Clan rarely visit, as the upper part of the territory is difficult to reach. Beyond the river is also difficult to reach, save for a stury, felled oak that connects the upper banks. Beyond these banks are rolling plains that the Clan does not venture out into.

ㅤㅤㅤUsed to having to fend off various predators, like bears, foxes, hawks, and eagles, members of RidgeClan are strong and practice fighting moves not to fend of other cats, but instead to protect themselves from these predatory dangers. While prey in their territory is plentiful, the other animals inhabiting the territory and the area around it make for tough competition when leaf-bare comes.



ㅤㅤㅤRidgeClan's territory occupies steep cliffs that hang over a roaring waterfall. The camp is settled in a protected nook near a creek that feeds into the main river on the highest part of the peninsula. The terrain slopes downwards, and a naturally carved path in the terrain leads down to the lowest part of the territory: a sandy bank at the base of the river. This is a popular place for cats to train, or simply take walks at the riverbank. There is a small, sandy hollow along the path down to the riverbank that the Clan uses to train their apprentices.

ㅤㅤㅤThe territory extends beyond these banks to the west (but is not shown on the map) into a luscious forest of pine, oak, spruce, and other kinds of diverse types of trees. Across the river, the territory slopes upwards once again to the east. A large, fallen tree connects the two upper sides of the territory by spanning across the river, providing a sturdy bridge to cross. At the southern part of the territory, there are rolling fields and moors that the Clan does not venture into.

ㅤㅤㅤIn the northwestern part of the territory is a set of mysterious rocks with hollows dug underneath them, called "The Shadow Stones." A mysterious place the center of many nursery tales, most rumors about it are false, but it is known to be very rich in prey.

At the top of the eastern part of the territory, a small island that is relatively easily accessable via stepping stones is settled in the midle of the river. Shortly upstream, the river sources from an underground stream coming from the mountain. Since this part of the territory is difficult to reach, the cats of RidgeClan do not often make trips up to this island.

ㅤㅤㅤDirectly next to the fallen tree bridge is a waterfall, but behind this waterfall is a sacred cavern. Reachable by two narrow paths on either side behind the waterfall, inside is a small pool of still, clear, beautiful water. This place is held in high regard by the cats of RidgeClan, as it is the place where many cats—all of different ranks, as all may go to visit as they please instead of just higher ranking cats—go to communicate with their ancestors and lost loved ones.


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ㅤㅤㅤRidgeClan's camp is nestled in a quiet nook near the northernmost part of the territory, protected by a quiet stream that feeds into the territory's larger river. The cats of the clan sleep in shallow hollows dug in the soft, sandy dirt of the camp, under rocks, bushes, and tree roots.

ㅤㅤㅤThe cliff of terrain at the back of the camp protects the youngest and oldest members of the clan from attacks from behind, as both the nursery and elders' den are pushed far back in the camp. The elders nestle together and chat their days away in a hollow dug out underneath a large rock, while the queens and young kits of the clan are protected underneath the sprawled roots of a pine tree and some bushes.

ㅤㅤㅤIn the very center of the camp is a large tree. This is where the warriors of the clan rest. They take their place in the heart of the camp, their resting place open yet protected from above by the sprawling branches of the pine and oak, so that they can spring into action at any time if they are ever needed in a short notice.

ㅤㅤㅤAt the front of the camp lies the leader's den, apprentices' den, and the medicine den. The leader takes their rest in a small dug out hollow behind a boulder, while directly next to them, the apprentices of the clan sleep between protective bushes. The medicine den is closer to the front of the camp so that those who are sick can stretch their legs at the stream's sandy bank and stop there to take a drink of water.

ㅤㅤㅤAs the seasons became harsher and harsher, the members of RidgeClan made the decision to dig out a hollow in the side of the camp as an extra space for warriors to sleep in the most extreme temperatures. The fresh kill pile sits in a dug out hollow next to and under a rock. Nearby, there is an open clearing for the members of the Clan to relax and talk, but this is also a space to gather beneath the Great Rock when the Clan leader calls a meeting. Finally, there is a boulder at the head of the camp that cats take turns perched atop to keep guard.



Hollystar M

DEPUTY- Rockwhisker M

MEDICINE- Riversong F
Aspenpaw M (Aspenblaze)

Shivercreek F
Pinewhisker M
Stormbird F
Hawkflame M
Dappleberry F
Bramblepatch F
Sweetstep F
Honeybranch F
Fledgeflight M
Foxbound M
Pebblesong F
Tangleclaw M
Sandridge M
Firecloud F
Icetail F
Berrythorn F
Feathertuft F
Flowerfrost F
Bristlecliff M
Milktuft M
Rabbitear F

Runningpaw M (Runningflight)
Sunnypaw M (Sunnybranch)
Frostpaw F (Frostburrow)
Buzzardpaw M (Buzzardmarch)
Silverpaw F (Silverdawn)
Bearpaw M (Bearheart/star)
Lilypaw F (Lilystorm)

Sablestep F
Barkpelt M
Rookspark F


  • *The Clan leader, Hollystar, is the father of Sweetstep and Honeybranch. The mother of these two she-cats is Bramblepatch, a quiet, stocky tortoiseshell she-cat. Honeybranch is rather reserved, but Sweetstep has the same leader's personality that her father has. She always challenges his ideas, but he has quite the soft spot for his daughters.
  • Pebblesong and Hawkflame are the parents of Runningpaw. They do not have any other kits. Runningpaw looks very similar to his father, Hawkflame, and shares his carefree nature, and his nurturing and determined traits are carried on from his mother Pebblesong. They are all somewhat close.
  • Icetail and Sandridge are the parents of Sunnypaw, Frostpaw, and Buzzardpaw. Frostpaw is almost the spitting image of her mother Icetail, except for rather than having as much bulk as Icetail does, Frostpaw's mass comes from her fluffy fur! Sunnypaw and Buzzardpaw both inherit their light ginger fur from their father, with Sunnypaw's pelt being a few shades darker. Frostpaw and Buzzardpaw are troublemakers, with Sunnypaw as the more mature of the trio who always gets them out of trouble.
  • Silverpaw is the only kit of Stormbird and Tangleclaw. Both parents are quiet cats, and their daughter takes after them. Silverpaw is curious, yet a bit shy.
  • *Bearpaw and Lilypaw are the kits of the bold Shivercreek and the shy and caring Pinewhisker. Lilypaw is almost an exact copy of her mother; bold, ferocious, curious, and beautiufl, with a hint of an extremely nurturing and protective side. Bearpaw is a large brown tom who comes across as a gentle giant. He can be a bit indecisive and unable to find himself taking action, but he has a golden heart, much like his father.
  • Dappleberry is Bramblepatch's sister.
  • Firecloud and Icetail are sisters as well. Both are large, muscular, protective she-cats. Their father is Bristlecliff.
  • Riversong, the medicine cat, is the mentor to Aspenpaw. They have quite an amiable relationship, with Riversong being gregarious and friendly, and Aspenpaw being a bit more reserved. Both are very friendly and kind cats, however, and have grown quite close over Aspsenpaw's apprenticeship.
  • Firecloud is Runningpaw's mentor. She reigns in Runningpaw's somewhat scatterbrained attitude and channels his helpful nature into the Clan. She is gentle on him when he needs it, but encourages and pushes her apprentice to be more assertive.
  • Rabbitear is the mentor to Sunnypaw. Both cats are serious, so they are often on the same page. Sunnypaw is not intimidated by Rabbitear's strictness and instead takes her criticisms as learning opportunities, and Rabbitear understands the respect her apprentice has for her and allows him room to mess up and learn.
  • Fledgeflight mentors Frostpaw. An all around average warrior, Fledgeflight tries his hardest to keep his apprentice in check, and mentors her to the best of his ability. She can get a bit out of paw, but he punishes her accordingly.
  • Foxbound is Buzzardpaw's mentor. As a senior warrior, Foxbound knows how to mentor the rowdy Buzzardpaw well. He has high hopes for his apprentice, as he sees what a great heart the young, enthusiastic cat has.
  • *Sweetstep is the mentor of Bearpaw. She was chosen as a foil to Bearpaw's meek nature in hopes that her bold spirit would be passed on to her apprentice. The two will have a very interesting path to follow...
  • Honeybranch mentors Lilypaw. With her gentler personality, she hopes she can bring out the best qualities of Lilypaw and train her to be the best warrior she can be.
  • The kind Dappleberry is the mentor of Silverpaw. Many other cats would have intimidated the meek apprentice, but Dapplebery's gentle attitude helps Silverpaw flourish at her own pace and grow into a well adjusted cat in her own time, as well as pushing her out of her comfort zone when she needs a little shove.
  • Milktuft is a sweet tom who prefers to be a sort of Clan nanny. He watches over the kits and apprentices whenever an extra pair of paws or eyes is needed, and he often organizes the smaller duties the apprentices are tasked with, as well as helping to gather herbs for the medicine cats. He also loves to listen to the elders tell stories as he checks them for ticks and grooms their fur. All in all, he has a good relationship with nearly the whole clan.
  • Frostpaw, and Buzzardpaw are somewhat of the bully type, but not in a spiteful way. Their mischief can come across as mean spirited, but they only do it in good fun.
  • *Bearpaw has/had a crush on Silverpaw, who did not share his interest. They are not on bad or awkward terms about this, and Bearpaw is happy that they still have a close friendship.
  • *Runningpaw has had a crush on Bearpaw for a while, and when he noticed that Bearpaw was pining after Silverpaw, he was not jealous. In the end, he wanted Bearpaw to be happy, and if it meant he liked Silverpaw more than him, that was okay, as long as he got to keep his friend close to him. When Bearpaw ended up getting over his crush on Silverpaw, the two toms became closer and closer, and eventually will turn out to be lovers.

    *All points marked with an asterisk are the most important story elements.



Hollystar, Rockwhisker, and Riversong.


Bearpaw touching noses with Sweetstep at his apprentice ceremony.


Bearpaw and Runningpaw.


Riversong chatting with Aspenpaw.