


1 year, 10 months ago


Argos is one of tricos species that was there before the last guardians story takes place. Argo is one of the older ones and has since stopped being sent out after failing landings. This has led to the armor slowly coming off as he has rammed into the structures. Not falling to much to damage himself. Argos mostly stays away from the others of his kind when around though the time he does seek. He can be seen on top of the tallest tower with others. Able to defend himself when another challenges. But quickly leaving if things start getting to much. Argos soon meets a boy who fell a long time ago in the Nest. The boy had grown and used one of the armored knight's armor for his own. Being undercover the man took care of Argos and soon the two escaped. Not going back to the village but far from the nest to not deal with the corrupted ways.

(I will be linking the other characters link here as these two can drawn together or alone! ♥)