Phoenix (old desings (2010-2017))



name: Phoenix

last name: lalonge

species allorian

Choice Of Appearance: Dire wolf

age: 11 (22 in human years)

gender: female

sexuality: heterosexua

body structure/ appearance

height: 2,95mm (feral height is1,95 mm)

weight: 50 kg (110 lb)

appears as a dire wolf with red eyes and markings only on her left sides

her body color is completly white, her birthmarks have a dark red color.

has the body type of a teen boy.

if someone describes her,they say they see a big wolf with red tribe like markings.


mother: mia

father:  ''j''

siblings: felix,karian

significant other: none :(

best friend: thomas

adopted brother: alexander

Secondary information

possition: queen

tribe: fire (the last of her kind)

occupation:  representative of justice

powers: semi-shape sifting(can only shape shift to a dragon)



(more to be added)


(still a W.I.P.)