
1 year, 11 months ago





Non-binary, She/He/They, Seeker

Charismatic, Flamboyant, Impulsive

Siofra, since their 6th cycle, had spent it at Einn Outpost, training to be a Seeker.

They can be pretty smug, can come off as flamboyant and have a lot of drama to them. Everything's done with a little flair in their step and a flaunt in her moves. It shows in her decision-making as well, a lot of his choices being more or less acts of impulsiveness without any real thought to them.

She can be a bit of a show off and has a lot of confidence to her. Maybe sometimes a bit too much, to the point where you may need to peg it down a bit. That doesn't mean they're rude, they can be really encouraging especially with the younger generations and would have made it their goal to cheer others on at every given moment. They can be a bit of a prankster and often love causing a little mischief!

He loves a good bit of gossip and definitely take part in sharing that with Aloisa! Speaking of Aloisa, despite her being an Ember, and Ember novice at the time, they're practically inseparable. They would have and always still do find a way to do everything together! You'll never find them apart.

While not the brightest firefly in the swarm, they make up for that with their charisma. Even when they don't show it often, they can and will care quite a bit for those they're closest with. While they may prefer to keep most at a distance, that doesn't mean he doesn't have a fair few he does care for. And those that do, will always get a good word or praise thrown their way. A little encouragement, some advice, anything.


  • Height: 14.5 in.
  • The scar on her nose is one she got during a hunting session when she was younger, when a rabbit decided it was brave enough to take its shot at them. Those that are closest to her won't ever let her live it down
  • Both he and Aloisa have a pair of matching, leather bracelets that they wear and never take off
  • What you hear when they step into the room: I , II
  • Info