


1 year, 11 months ago




Fenrisulfr "Fenris"

Male, He/Him, Ember

Distant, Sympathetic, Observant, Relaxed, Soft-spoken, Insecure

This is a cat you won't know is there until you see him. Fenris, though more gentle than giant, Is someone that is usually more of a shadow among embers. Regardless of the distant, it gives him a chance to learn and observe those from afar. Learn about them like so. He doesn't often interact with the rest of the city, but will take up any conversation one may have with him. His voice is often quiet, a gentle melody in the breeze when he speaks. Apathy isn't a part of his learning, and he would always do what he can to help those out that talk to him, offering them advice or a shoulder to lean on if they need it. If comfortable enough with another, he can even be a little playful, harmlessly teasing his friends, giving them little nicknames. A lot of the time though, he's so deeply invested in his job, it's hard to find him doing anything else.

His parents, before their passing, had given him a strong and tough name. And it's one he wishes to live up to, despite his typical nature. While not one to stress, he does hold himself to a higher standard compared to anyone else. And often won't rest until he gets something done and does it right. With these high standards come insecurities, and he can feel a little nervous about whether he's meeting other people's expectations, not to mention his own. The very little know, given he barely gives himself away.


  • Height: 11 in.
  • Song Inspirations: I II
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