Helbre Prrpur



1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Helbre Prrpur

Age: 9 sweeps (about 19-20 yrs old)

Gender/Pronouns: Unlabeled/just a little guy, He/They

Sign: Virsces (Jade Blood, Derse Dreamer, Life Player)

Lusus: Nestofur the Catbee

Strife Specibus: scythekind

Pesterchum user: grinningGrimalkin

Typing Quirk: ♥ starts eVery message with a heart, capitalizes eVery V in his messages.

Planet: Land of Palms and Tombs (Kinda jungle island-y with thick palm trees and a number of tombs from consorts long past)


Helbre is cool. He's super cool. He takes most things at face value and finds enjoyment in the irony of some situations, one of the main ones being his use of a scythe as his weapon being a Hero of Life in the game. Despite this coolness, however, he also very much enjoys having fun even though he is incredibly awkward and doesn't tend to talk about much besides that. He's full of energy and enjoys making others smile and laugh through his numerous different skills he has. Helbre enjoys telling jokes (usually bad ones but he doesn't care), making music, playing games, and just performing in front of people. He's got a relatively cheery disposition and holds great appreciation for the little beasts on his planet. He has a really big heart and cares so much about everyone and everything. He's level-headed unless he gets angry, and maintains pretty strict composure when not performing or in a serious situation.

His class is Sylph, which means he is someone who heals through his aspect, which is life. He's the life of the party and is the person to life people's spirits and even extend their life some should they need some healing.


Being born a Jadeblood, Helbre was tasked with helping every other Jadeblood with the raising and nurturing of any grubs that may hatch from the Mother Grub. He was also, similarly, tasked with helping to usher in a  new Mother Grub should he need to in his lifetime. His methods of caring for the grubs was... unconventional to say the least, as he wasn't a very motherly figure. His heart was in the right place but he seemed less inclined to comfort and more inclined to fun and excitement. And he takes his job very seriously. So, to help him raise grubs the way he knew how, the other Jadebloods in his brood decided to help him out with getting the proper resources to do what he did best. With a shiny new, tailor-made outfit from one of his sisters, and a robot tail attached to the base of his spine made by a very kind blueblood to "aid with his theatrical gestures" as he so put it. But really he just wanted to have a tail because he loved the idea of it.

He had wanted to play SGRUB for the longest time but didn't figure out how to get it till a few sweeps had passed. He was an older troll but he wanted to see what it was all about, so he asked around and tried asking some of the other trolls he knew to play with him, which he managed to do.

Fun notes about Helbre:

- His design and personality is based on 4 characters/people I kept stuck in my brain for the longest time and wanted somewhere to put them all. The one who finally sparked this was Dave Strider

- His dream self has... something going on with him that Helbre has never really been too sure of, but he feels it. It's faint, but when he realized he had a dream self he could sense something was wrong. (Im still trying to figure out what it is but if you know who Percival de Rolo is then you probably know what im going for <3) Turns out that something is the fact that Derse is so close to the horrorterrors in the Furthest Ring that they've taken Helbre's dreamself as a sort of host, but more like an avatar than anything. His dreamself, as a consequence, is perma-grimdark and it makes Helbre hear the whispers of the Furthest Ring, usually in complete silence or when he's trying to sleep. Sometimes the influence can bleed through to Helbre's waking self which ends up severely disconcerting him when he loses awareness for a brief moment.

- I picked out how he was by assessing who i was building him out of, and finding the pieces that meshed together. For example, 3 of his sources are kind of goofy and a little silly, and 2 of them did some form of entertainment/performing, whether to people or for themself, so i decided that he would be a silly little preformer guy with several bits of nuance under it, like his coolness and his love of irony but also his VERY outward compassionate nature

- Helbre's name comes from the word helbrede, the Norwegian word for heal, and his last name Prrpur comes from the cat sound, obviously, which has its own form of healing properties and also cats are just cool.