
Name | Reddit - Red

Species | Robot (Unaware of this, he just thinks he's a fucked up human)

Gender/Sexuality | Cisgender Male(?) - He/Him - Bisexual

Personality | Red is absolutely AWFUL with social cues. He cracks jokes in the worst of situations, and doesn't really understand when people are trying to be serious / are genuinely upset. He rarely takes things seriously, even when he should. He can be compassionate and caring when he realizes he fucked up, but it's usually too late. Despite his 'nerd' appearance, he isn't afraid to get into arguments, though he will freak out and panic if they turn physical. 

Likes | Cats - Getting into arguments that he can win - Drawing - Keanu Reeves - Big Chungus

Dislikes | Eating - Keanu Reeves haters - Young children - People tugging on his antenna thing - Socialising verbally

Extra | His pet cat is called Snoo - His plushie is also called Snoo - His blood is black oil - He is somehow unaware of the fact he's a robot, lol dumbass