Project S.S.A.E.N



6 years, 5 months ago





Gender: Male

Height: 7'8"

Weight: 170 kg

Species: Undead


The TinderBox Asylum Laboratories are filled with the intelligent and deranged, all obsessed with creating beings and weapons of inhuman power, to tinker with what shouldn't be tinkered, to create what just doesn't belong in this world. The scientists from floor six; Necro-Immortis are especially deranged and even amongst them one scientist takes it to the next level, her mind twisted with the dark and the pastel. For a rather petite young girl, she is most at home on this floor, where she put together her masterpiece, Project S.S.A.E.N. While she is a genius she still is only 13, and she did have a few 'friends' of hers; her personal guards, to be exact, collect the pieces she requested: pieces of beasts, including the brains of a shark, bear and gorilla which were all grafted and.. 'Assimilated' into the human brain she had as the core to her project. Ssaen's ribcage was hollowed of organs and was were several tubes led, which all filtered a concoction of colourful chemicals, wether it keeps the Project alive or boosts its strength, is unknown. Mechanical parts, circuits and more were all soldered onto the patchwork body of man and beast. Then once it was completed it was all covered up in s white jumpsuit, paired with a bunny mask, as Emilia could not have her project looking 'un-cute'. Once completed, the chemicals pumping throughout the body in a constant loop and the cellular improvements done, she jarred the skull and 'mega brain' with a couple million volts of electricity, sparking the Project to life. Now as to be expected of a grotesquery with the brains of vicious predators, Project SSAEN went berserk and slaughtered the entire team of scientists and would have killed Emilia too if she had not already given herself a few 'improvements' after its initial rampage Emilia enacted counter-measures and got SSAEN under control and now, whilst still vicious and deadly, it only acts after given orders by its creator.

Art By Me

Project S.S.A.E.N © Me

Tinderbox asylum is created by and belongs to Myself and :iconspiritmydog: