Sister Citrine



1 year, 9 months ago


Sister Citrine(true name Lillith Zebule Citrine), she/they(transfem, wlw), 24 years old, Aasimar Cleric(Twilight Domain)

A fairly shy and reclusive sort, Lillith tends to prefer being as far out of the public eye as she possibly can.  She does this largely out of fear that people will find her appearance monstrous and scary, and goes so far as to always wear a veil that covers her face, only ever taking it off in private.  Lillith worships Nyx and her children(most frequently Thanatos and Charon), and finds herself often sent to lay stray souls and undead to their eternal rest.  She doesn't like to fight, and will tend to prefer resolving things peacefully, sometimes even at her own expense, but if given truly no other option, Lillith is still capable of combat, wielding a halberd.


  • While she does dress similar to a nun, I don't think she's beholden to the same rules and restrictions.  Her main reason for being so straight-laced is more because she's shy and worries a lot.
  • Her favorite fruit is pomegranate, and has a tree she grew largely herself by where she lives.  She also has adopted a couple animals, a lanky black cat she names Pluto, and a dire wolf she befriended that she named Keberos.
  • Despite her serpentine appearance, Lillith is actually warm-blooded, and instead of scales she has short, soft fur on her coils.