Kusaya's Comments

I am absolutely in love with this design.

Do I have anyone that may interest you in trade for them? The only hard off limits is my Acheived Dreamie folder and the characters Chi Pon, Stardust and Bubble, anyone else I will at minimum consider! I may be hesitant of people in Mascot/Persona but absolutely feel free to ask!

I didn't see anyone I think I'd use, but tysm for the offer!

Np! Thanks for looking

//peeks in here at this bean owo

I offer $10 and a lined + shaded halfbody (cause I love drawing your ocs hldhdkh)

I might be a bit slow about the art because of artfight coming up though //sweat

OHO i'd be down to take this offer!! B) i'll shoot you a note tonight but lmk if i forget TT

I can Two full bods for them but the lines would be tiny bit messy tho-

Uhh you can look at my artstyle if needed

i'm looking at a different offer but tysm for your interest!!!

hello! i was wondering if maybe anyone from here catches your eye,,, https://toyhou.se/munchpunch/characters/folder:3371279

i'm didn't see any characters i'd see myself using but tysm for your interest!!!