For starters, she'd be friends with this gal of mine (and perhaps grow to be something more later on, I'll see how their relationship develops 👀)

This lady, like my other girlie, would be a demon. However, one far higher up in the ranks of demons, if that makes sense. 

Now, It's no secret that she's abesolutely stunning; tall, overall gorgeous body, gorgeously loose yet fitting robes, short, adorably curly hair… anyone could fall for her, really. That being said, she's highly reserved, oddly respectful (which gains her an oddly posutive reputation which also has a backside, people tend to deem her as weakminded or anything of that sort, which she's not), mostly calm, if anything…

She's scarily good at controlling her emotions and keeping certain situations at bay. In fact, there's a rumor going about that since literally no one has seen her get upset or angry (though perhaps a bit stern if unruly demons are causing trouble purely because they can… which is often), she's, well, incapable of emotions, which again, is not true.

Where I can see her fit into the story is as my girlie's dear friend. You see, my girl (…I still have to figure out a proper name for her lmao), after accidentally being summoned to a human, gets strangely attached to him after a while. My girl accidentally says so to this lady during a casual meet-up, and she grows to be quite concerned. Demons aren't meant to get attached to humans, more less try to help them with getting their life back in order (which is what my girl eventually tries to assist with), so…

I'm sorry if I typed a loT lmao, I just,,, adore this lady sm. I'd spoil her with art and her own human form, along with a ton of robes,,, ashsjshf I love her sm