

1 year, 11 months ago


✦ General ✦

Part of the worcimex closed species
Destined profession is A Guardian, which to them means a knight and protector of justice. For this reason they have learned swordfighting and martial arts, and always carry a sword with them.
Originally they were trying to hunt down Miyu and bring him to justice. However, when they cornered him, Miyu managed to talk himself out of the situation, leading them to think he's some robin hood type. At that point, they decide that they're the ones in the wrong, and declare themselves Miyu's disciple, admiting him greatly and following him around. No, Miyu does not have a choice in the matter.

✦ Persoanlity ✦

They're very quiet and shy, but surprisingly stubborn and assertive when they've set their mind to something. They're hardworking and disciplined, but they don't demand the same from others, willing to be the one doing all the work.

They're pretty naive and tent to take things at face value.

✦ Notable traits ✦

  • Young adult that is facing the world on their own for the first time
  • Mainly they/them, but is fine with any pronouns
  • Their "halo" is made of bone and attatched to the back of their head - in bare form, the halo is gone and only the small attatched bone part remains
  • The "lace" on their body is actually a fur pattern
  • All their eyes move together except the one on the forehead, which always stares ahead
  • They have only 3 wings

✦ Abilities ✦

Like all worcimex, can extend the bones on their body to protect their core and transform into the "uniform" for his fated proffession. 

Thanks to their extensive training in addition to their fated profession being a protector, they are very aware of their surroundings and can notice potential danger quickly. They can subdue opponents several times their size and are an expret swordsman, though they still lack some experience with actual combat against opponents as skilled as them. 

✦ Masterlist entry ✦