[Finkx] Demas



9 years, 5 months ago


This strong, solid guy is actually based on my father. If I were going to create a contract for my very own Finkx, I think he's the person I'd choose.

As a single father raising an only daughter, my dad has always been there for me. To this day, he continues to bend over backwards for me and for my own children. He is the best dad and grandpa ever. I know the day will come when I have to lose him, but I look towards that day with absolute dread. If I could make it so the essence of him would somehow live on, I'd definitely take the opportunity. I think this Finkx is the closest I'll ever get to that, so here he is.

Demas is a fan of old westerns, the type with Clint Eastwood and John Wayne. His colors reflect his love for the desert and the Painted Canyon in California, where we used to go camping. The poncho he wears is from a Clint Eastwood film. His fedora is a nod to another of his heroes - Indiana Jones.

He loves a good mystery, classic rock, fried potatoes, and playing games (though he cannot STAND losing). He puts on a tough front, but inside he is prone to loneliness and self-doubt. Still, he puts others above himself at all times.

I chose shaped pupils as his extra mutation. I chose the shape of a star - because back when I was little, one of my dad's and my favorite things to do together was discuss the deeper meanings behind song lyrics. One of the first I remember was Daniel, by Elton John. "Daniel, you're a star in the face of the sky."