


1 year, 11 months ago



Queen of the mudwing.

She is a very traditionalist leader, and distrustful to the point of having closed some trade routes. Her siblings themselves are starting to go against her choices publically, and she refuses to listen to them and took some last minutes decisions that have resulted in public fighting between her and her siblings, which makes the population dislike her. The only one of her sibling that stands by her is Moor, a great dark mudwing who has ambition of letting the mudwing kingdom be self sufficient and closing off from other tribes, which he disregards as "temperamental and emotional" citing the many recent wars. On the other side, mayfly, nardoo and quag have publically stated their disapproval of her choices as her sibling council, and urge her to reopen the trade roads and remove some of the laws she has put in place that cripple the exchanges between mud and other tribes. Mayfly particularly may even plan taking over her sister, although that is something she only tells close confidents.

She can seem cold on a first interaction, and then you just understand she's kind of a dick. She tends to regard her opinion as the best opinion, and is stubborn in this position. She's has a short temper and easily sees disrespect in other. She sticks to traditions and kind of acts like your emotionally stunted dad who thinks he's right just because he's the leader of the family but she leads a country. She distrust most other dragons than Moor these days. She used to be a lot more warm toward her people, and hopeful in her youth, but that is long gone.

relations :

 Moor : Brother, fourth born. Trusted. Moor is even more nationalist than her, but shares a lot of her ideologies which she appreciates. She thanks him for "being the only rational one". 

Mayfly : Sister, third born. Primary opposition, due to her status as the other dragoness of the group. Usually antagonized and seen as ridiculous, Argile uses the fact she is the Bigwing of the group to call her out for disrespect, as traditionally the siblings follow the Bigwing whatever the situation, which Mayfly finds ridiculous. 

Nardoo: Brother, second born. Although he first supported Argile, they drifted away after a few heated arguments. He flips flops between agreeing with her, defusing the arguments, and openly disagreeing with her. Mostly neutral, they avoid each other outside of council. 

Quag : Brother, fifth born. The most opposed to the opinions of Argile. Used to be the one to provide counter arguments, but he's all but disowned her since a particular argument. Supports Mayfly, and is seen as a traitor by Argile although she mostly scoffs at him.

Has a lot of traditional body mods. Cropped ears, horn covers, ingraved tusks 

Secretely has potent anxiety. A reason for her irritability and strange decisions is that she's terrified of everything going wrong if she gives up her position. 

Never had biological heirs so far. However cared for Moor's and Nardoo's ones as her own.