Megascorpiobattus Pasitheatis



1 year, 11 months ago


My pandora fictionflicker

notes :

1) I was researching the various beaks of flighted creatures of pandoran because i was sure i had one, it just felt weird without, but i also know i had teeth, since i've felt the retractible fangs previosuly (attributed to viper cameo, but weren't as long compared to head, which i assumed was due to being put on human proportions and could still be the case, but yeah they are less big proportionally than viper fangs here). I am theorizing that the first three row of the top are the ones with the most mobility, and that the rest probably do retracte but a lot less, whereas the three probably lay flat or at least a lot more horizontal most of the time. I am pretty sure it's my saliva that is venomous and not the fangs, since I have had instincts of grooming venom onto myself that seem related
2) I've put the eyes in the most likely way seeing how pandoran creatures tend to be. On human, my phantom additional eyes tend to be two above my eyes, on the forehead. They are very clearly for looking above since it's been the only feeling of lack of visibility that can't be explained by just,,, not having the eyes on the side. I don't think i was nocturnal bc i am not in this life and don't like the dark bc i can't see shit but like,, pandoran nights + night vision could just make it that night are foreign to me now, so i won't comment on whether im diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular, or just opportunistic. The fact the eyes are black is mostly aesthetic i just gave myself dark irises. 3) I've put two queues this time, in the zones i've had phantom horns in. Not really certain about it. Honestly still flying bling, i just think nowadays comparing my experiences and having learnt that my Big Lonely could be queues that i probably did have one if i'm pandoran. (otherwise ig it could be a result of neuroatypicality + feeling detached from humankind.

4) Ok so this one has a dumb premise so the ikran i know has a taste in clothes that are lighter and more colorful than me, who mostly seeks high contrast with flashy colors so i just tried to apply my aesthetic to my speculative pandoran self who i previously basically colored like an ikran and yeah it fits better for me so heyyy. It's very possible my high contrast was a warning since Poisonous.

5) I have no fucking idea what is going on here have you seen the jaws of pandoran fliers it's weird as shit. I've tried the fish mouth toruk and ikran have but it didn't feel right so i did a weird mix of it and the mouth of riti. I do not know yet what purpose the weird hinge + gill like stuff serves. 

6) Ocellus! I was always pretty sure my wyvern self had some, which i usually place on the wings or frill, so here it's on the crests. I know i have six, that has been a pretty recurrent phantom and envisage shift so like i am sure of that one. (edited)

  • 1. Limbs.  I am wildly unsure about which limbs are my grabber ones. My shifts have been extremely varied in that, but most often, i only feel one set of wings, with what I'd call stabilizers, that are on my lower half for me to not. Have a destabilized flight due to the relative weight of my tail. I'd be tempted to say my "feet" are more like riti placement (second set of limb) than toruk (third set of limb) and no idea what the fuck is going on with the flamingos. I however know that i probably have a "two pair of limb on torso, one on the lower body" type of body type. This kinda correspond to the kinship i felt to skull crawler, so riti placement with more developed walking limbs is what I'm gonna go for in this speculative one
  • [4:08 PM]
    Also to note is my feeling toward gore magala grabber wings and other "winged grabbers" feels but that works with my first set of wings having two hooked claws to both grab onto cliffsides and such and grasping small prey

2. Weird fucked up theories These are the funniest and don't really show on drawings so talking about those quickly. So i have several things i have feelings toward without really having a reason : - color changing - tie to venom, especially necrotic and psychedelic ones - with psychedelic, a tie to dreams and trance states, with being a "dream predator" - mimicking voices So a lot of these can also be tied to Lovecraftian bullshit, but let's pretend for an instant what i could imply for that speculative Pandoran bastard bird and evaluate Plausibility => Color changing : very likely! Most likely chromatophores that control at least how vibrant i am, as i often have the urge to tone down my bright colors (outfit and dyed hair) when in stressed hiding mode, but feel like i need them when showing off (social dominance and/or courting) or when being aggressive or appearing dangerous (bluff) so I'd rate that a 9/10 chance of being a thing. 5/10 chance I can actually change the specific hues since i have a lot less instincts on that, would be cool tho. => venom 10/10 for having some form of it. Specifically i have instinct of grooming it onto my body to be poisonous, and using that as a deterrent. So I'm more poisonous in instinct than venomous, it being defensive. However i also have instincts of inflicting "hit and run" injuries and waiting for the creature to fall, as a pack, so it likely had an offensive importance, as well as with smaller preys although it's less blatant. However : were my teeth or my tail venomous? I have a bladed tail. That's almost sure, whether it's a stinger or whatever. But grooming imply mouth venom. Riti has, iirc, a stinger. Maybe both? My instinct regarding bladed tail tend to be grab and stab, like xenomorphs somewhat, it's pretty prehensile. Another less likely was slashing through being on forelimbs, which is suddenly a lot more likely if my forelimbs are the actual leg ones lol. So yeah interesting.

  • For the specific : Hallucinogenic venom : 7/10 It's possible. And a big part of my identity. But I'll talk more about it in the next section Necrotic/cytotoxic : 8/10 Very likely. It's a violent venom, usually attacks cells and would be a likely contender for offensive capacity. Also it means i can cure cancer which i find funny.
  • [4:27 PM]
    => hallucinogenic property and dream tie SO THIS ONE IS PURE SPECULATION. I rate the whole theory a 4/10 out of sheer lack of proof for anything I'm gonna say  I have a tie to hallucinations and dreams as a concept. If I'm hallucinogenic, it's a good thing to deter predator, esp if there's a good chance to Fucking Die. So it's likely i could have some hallucinogenic effects to my venom. However ! We can go further. What if i spiritually have a tie to the concept of dreams and delirium in Na'vi lore and that's why I feel such a strong tie to these concepts? Eywa works in such a way that myths about certain animals could honestly be uploaded to it's shared consciousness in a way it could have impacted me. It's possible i had a use to na'vi, or even some other creatures a la dauphin snorting pufferfish, for drug use. It's funny to think about.
  • [4:32 PM]
    => mimicking voices.  Now Why The Fuck. It feels too much if i have already weird venom and color changes, but that aside, why would it make sense, why would it not. I have the instinct to reproduce noises, but not just as a stim/autistic behavior i don't remember the name of, it's specifically a bluff tactic PRIMARILY, and sometimes a predatory tactic. What could this imply?
  • First, i am a scavenger for at least a big part of my diet, but of specifically recently deceased animals. Aka i don't kill them, but i don't seek out carcasses like vultures. This mean i may use predator calls to drive away smaller predators from their prey, and then defend it w/ My Gang with our Fucked Up Poison Defense. So hey could make sense.  It's easy to understand on the offensive, do hurt prey call, eat what tries to eat you. But it's much less common for me so it's likely not a extremely common behavior for me if at all.
  • [4:32 PM]
    So I'll rate that one a 7/10. Possible, but I'm not confirming anything
  • [4:36 PM]
    3. dog nemesis Ok so this one also won't appear in a drawing yet but i have reason to think the creatures i tend to harass most/get harassed back by most are some varient of viperwolves. Not them specifically, but a ground, canine like creature, with behavior similar to painted dogs (is that the name) or hyena, or wolves ig. Got a specific noemata of scuffs between Bird Bastard Gang and them, but i am not excluding the possibility of misremembering, and it being another type of creature i slapped the doggo body type upon due to earthen influence. But yeah there's a pack creature I'm in direct competition with. I however think i steal prey mostly from lone predators.
  • [4:38 PM]
    4. Wing shape I am pretty sure i have the Ikran/toruk/legiana type of wing shape. After all it's one of the why i questioned ikrans things. For the hind wings, I'd be tempted to say more riti like than toruk like, and it's possible i can put those on the ground but they are usually folded against my lower body when on the ground id say, and can't walk on them. Very likely Long in the sense it's connected far to my tail.
  • [4:40 PM]
    5. Length I am Long probably, with a very long tail that may be prehensile. It's not like,,, grab a branch and hang from it prehensile, i mostly have instinct of hanging on vertical surfaces, but it's likely it has very good vertical movement to enable Stabbing Behavior. May have some bluff ties too My head is also probably longer than i represented in my last drawing
  • [4:40 PM]
    And That is it i think for now

[yeah its from discord and i don't wanna format it]