@thiefofknees's Comments

Is this guy still pendin? :)

Are they still pending? :0

3 flat fulls, 3 shaded headshots and 2 chibis! More can be added

I can offer 2 halfbodies!

THIS GUY A DREAMIE AAAAA I could maybe offer 40$, three fulls and a shaded bust,,,,

Bumping the USD to 50, may go higher if needed >:]]

Bumping to,,, 70 dollar,,,

i'll take it!! wanna dm on discord? 

Sure!! Dm'd u :]]

$50 via PayPal with a hold til Thursday!! ❤️ (only til then bc that’s when I get paid LOLOL)

Edit: I’ll bump to $65 and still am able to go higher!

I can go higher too❤️

Yk screw it, I’ll bump to $100 w/ that hold til Thursday!

I love this kid so much! Aaaaa🥺

Same 10 fbs 10 headshots

i’ll accept!! wanna dm on discord?


ohhh oh oh uh i can do a character page, a bust, and a fullbody!!

could do a few fulls an a bust ? :O and/or trade(s) if you find anyone that catches your eye :3

Screeches I wish I didnt have a artstyle crisis rn so I could offer this bab. Hope they go to a good home.

2 Fullbodies ( lined ) and someone from here https://toyhou.se/canoetheconnor/characters (ignore names, unless they say pending ) ( if not then 1 more fullbody and 2 busts, all lineless ) sorry for the lower offer, just with AF starting tommorow domt want to over work myself lmao

$35 with a hold + a full & bust 👀

15 USD and a mirrored ref (worth 40 - 50)