


1 year, 11 months ago


This is one of four OCs of mine named Pixel! He is one of the most colorful and my first one I've made. He is an outgoing, happy person that loves to meet others. His scythe, Antivirus, is his companion, and ill explain his powers and his scythes powers here in a bit. 

Pixel is 5'10, grey skin, semi built, and has a power cord for a tail, and wings he can summon at will. The wings are made up of squares, and are of the colors of: Red, Blue, Purple, and Black. He has mastered all melee combat, armed and unarmed. Pixels screen is the way he talks to others, but with his friends he uses his natural voice. He will use emotes made of text like >:( :3 ;-; and so on. (more info when i get to it :P)

Antivirus is a shape changing scythe that can aid Pixel in combat by being able to instantaneously change into whatever pixel needs at the time, or even in the middle of combat! Antivirus has 2 modes, Code and Physical. Physical is easy to understand, it's a physical object like a normal weapon, Code mode makes it able to pass through anything, but will deal no harm to anything either. In the midst of combat, Antivirus can change into Code mode and swipe through the enemy as a fake out, then can turn physical once again right after.