


1 year, 11 months ago


Late into his apprenticeship he ended up gravely wounded after an ambush on a border patrol. He was attacked with a killing bite to his throat and from the amount of blood was presumed dead. Out of respect his wounds were wrapped quickly and he was brought to camp after the attacking rouges were delt with. Miraculously during his vigil he showed signs of life, barely caught by his grieving clanmate. The killing bite hadn’t actually done enough damage to kill him but his unresponsive state and loss of blood had left even the medicine cat at the time to presume him dead. The medicine cat(s) immediately jumped into action and did what they could to get him stable. During this time riverclans leader took it upon themself to name Pigeonpaw a warrior, and gave him the name Pigeonhaunt, an homage to his brush with death.

From Pigeonpaw’s perspective he had absolutely and 100% died, but he didn’t end up in the hunting grounds of starclan. Instead the young Tom had mistakenly ended up in an afterlife that was never intended for clan cats (think like purgatory/ maybe a place where some loners/rouges/kittypets would end up in the afterlife. Can really be anything you want to imagine in all honesty just not starclan or the place of no stars). Another Tom who referred to himself as Antlers was the only cat/spirit Pigeon ever saw there, he comforted him, and managed to guide him back to his body and his clan. 

Pigeonhaunt did not stir immediately upon arriving back to his body but after a sometime in the medicine cat den he was able to keep consciousness long enough to look around. He was absolutely horrified to see the haunting Spector of Antlers in the den with him, no longer looking like the respectable funny Tom he had met in that mysterious otherness, but instead he looked wrong... Pigeonhaunt tried to yell out confused after his near death ordeal and terrified of this cat he knew to be dead watching him. His voice did not seem to come, and his throat, no his whole body, burned with pain. His sudden movement alerted the med cat and they quickly told him to calm down and let him know it might be a bit till his voice returned as he had sustained a serious injury. He tried gesturing to Antlers but it seemed the medicine cat couldn’t see him. 

It took a while to recover, rehabilitation was slow but he was eventually able to to regain his strength and his voice (tho he still struggles to speak on occasion). During this time Antlers never left, while at first Pigeonhaunt was terrified of him he grew to be a comfort, a friend that was always there. They would often share tongues, chat, nap together, Antlers even taught him a unique fighting style. Most cats ignored Pigeonhaunts strange habit of talking to thin air, normally chalking it up to a side effect of his injuries.

Nothing else super notable has happened in his life sense his recovery. He’s been a dutiful warrior sense he was able to, and will do anything he’s directed to with little to no resistance (although he can dilly dally a bit sense he doesn’t have a huge sense of urgency). He’s very polite and easygoing, nothing really seems to get under his fur. He doesn’t talk much about starclan, it’s not that he doesn’t believe in them he just has a lot of mixed feelings about what comes after as a whole. Plus he doesn’t know how he feels about an afterlife where he’s completely disconnected from his best friend. 

-67 moons old-


-Pigeonhaunt has a very prominent scar on his throat, kits love to ask him about it. 

-Pigeonhaunt thought his warrior name was pretty cool once he actually learned it, he laughed at the irony of actually being haunted 

-Pigeonhaunt is not very physically strong but despite his easy going attitude and slow moving way of living is very fast and dexterous.

-Pigeonhaunt prefers anything feathered to fish but don’t tell his clan that! His proudest hunt is the time he was able to bring back a duck

-He never actually told anyone about Antlers, not that he’s hiding it, no one’s ever really bothered asking who he is talking to. 

-His parents pester him about taking a mate, he’s just not interested (well in any living cat that is lol)