


6 years, 5 months ago


Videl   39   Male

Videl is a carefree guy who loves spending all of his days laying on a tree branch whistling to the wild creatures, getting drunk alone and napping. It's not like he doesn't enjoy other jietals company - he's actually really social - but he finds such a peaceful pleasure in being alone that it's almost dispensable for him to be with others.

He lives in a swamp (shrek is that you?) in the Jungle Region of Kaotano, and not only his appearance shows how much he has already become part of the mud and moss, but his attitude too. Videl on his natural habitat, which is basically lying on some humid rock, tree or on the porch of his wooden shack in the middle of the woods, is not what someone would call "polite" or following "manners". He yawns and laughs loudly, smells like tree bark and doesn't care if someone is around to do anything.

He's a big joker and when he starts making fun of something it's hard to make him take anything seriously. He loves stupid pranks and dangerous challenges, just like a child. Most of the time this is what makes it all so hard for him to make friendships; other jietals just can't take his immature and irresponsible personality. But deep down he knows he can be responsible and serious when it needs to be, and when others trust him to be.

His blind eye is always covered by hair. But when he has to get out of the swamp to buy stuff or attend to public/formal things he uses an eye patch to cover it. The story behind the blindness and the scar are still blurry, because he's always changing it and making it full of fantasy. He says the necklace he always carry around has a real tooth of the monster of the swamp that attacked him years ago and gave him that scar. Everyone from the near villages know this is just a fake story, but still is a good scary tale to tell the children - and prevent them from risking themselves to go alone to the swamp.

But beyond that, no one really seem to know what happened. And even laughing and joking about it, it still is a big deal for him. Some jietal really don't mind his scar or his eye, but Videl makes sure to hide it with his hair even when he's alone. He hates to admit how self conscious this makes him feel.