


1 year, 11 months ago


Where the Wild Things Are

[ name ] Grayson
[ alias ] King
[ age ] 13
[ gender ] Nonbinary
[ sexuality ] Asexual
[ species ] Human
[ height ] 5'6"
[ job ] Student/Dog walker

[ courage ]
[ intellect ]
[ empathy ]
[ temper ]
[ charisma ]
[ humor ]

After one of the numerous fights with his mother, Grayson ran away from his home. He needed a place that was just for him, that he could be himself, where the overhanging weights of the world weren’t threatening to crush him—somewhere he was safe.

Running eventually led him to a boat, a way out. He sailed across the sea, periled the storms, until an island had finally came into view just on the horizon. The boy made land, his attention drawn towards a loud commotion deep into the heart of the jungle. Curiosity pressed him forward until he came to a clearing, but he stayed to the shadows as he looked on to what events were transpiring.

Large beasts were fighting and arguing amongst themselves, but they didn’t look like any creature that Grayson had ever seen. He was about to sneak away when his back his something big but plush.

“Looks like dinner came to us!” A deep voice bellowed as something grabbed and lifted him off the ground by the back of his jacket. Grayson thrashed and kicked, trying to free himself as the beast stalked forward to the gathering group of other beasts who had stopped their squabbling to see what was going on. Grayson was dropped unceremoniously back on the ground, the beasts around him stared at him with both curious and ravenous eyes, some of them even licking their lips in anticipation.

In a desperate plea, Grayson shouted for them to stop, that they weren’t allowed to eat him. “Why not?” One asked, “Yeah, how come?” Came another. “Because… Because well… I’m a king! A powerful king from another land, I have powers that have conquered thousands much bigger and scarier than you. And after I conquered them, they made me their king!” The boy was lying through his teeth, but out of pure luck, most of the beasts seemed to be buying his made up story. Now most of them slunk a bit back, looking upon him with newfound awe or fear.

“Does that make you our king?” The one that had grabbed him bravely spoke up, a large beast that was white and black in color, brightly colored spikes and stars decorated his fabric hide. “..Yeah!” Grayson nodded, earning both cheers and hollers from the beasts. The group ran and jumped through the jungle with glee, roaring to the first rays of light of the rising sun.

Finally… a place just for him.


  • pokemon cards
  • soccer

  • dislike
  • dislike

  • knows how to play the cello
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

[ best friend ]

[ friend ]

[ ??? ]

[ ??? ]