


2 years, 2 months ago


Helen was a popular singer in the town, as time went by she started to get more and more popular in and outside of town. Helen had two people who she was close to when it came to work. Edward; Helen’s agent, and Jennifer; Helen’s small actor friend. Helen was a very kind person who cared about everyone, she would help those in need when she could. She always dreamed on making a change no matter how small it was.

In the 1950s she passed away. Nobody knew exactly how it happened but law enforcement said that “she took her own life.” No information was shared to the public which made people get suspicious about the case. Could’ve have been a fan? Anyone who worked with her? Family? Or did she really took her life? Nobody ever got real answers. Helen’s case was closed in less than a week and was never brought up to the public again. As years went by people started to forget and completely lost interest , which was a relief to law enforcement. There’s still some people who deny she could’ve have taken her own life but till this day nobody actually knows other than Helen.

It wasn’t till the early 1970s when Helen’s house got sold by her family. The house ended up being demolished and got turned into something completely new. More houses started to be built and more families started to move in, which some included children. This gave them the idea to build a new arcade in the town so children could have more fun.

Although Helen’s body is buried at the cemetery, she never really left. She doesn’t care that everything she owned is gone, she just wants the truth to be told.

She hopes someone can help her.