Striking Peregrine



2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Birthright of the Great Starsong


Trans molly (she/her)


The Court of the Starlit Springs


Of Golden Fury / Of the Starlight's Song




girl help im in the fields


When she and her siblings were born sickly and small, no cat could have expected the smallest, Peregrine, to survive and become as fearsome as she grew to be. Perhaps she was determined to prove herself, to grow from the frail kit she had started as, fueled by spite from the moment she opened her eyes. The sole survivor of the litter and her mother's tough little bird, with a determination to fly where no cat ever had.

While her temper did not earn her any favors, her abilities earned her a respect that many held for her, and her loyalty was fierce and unbreakable to those she considered friends. Many protested when Snowy Owl chose her to be a member of the Council considering that Peregrine's grandmother, Golden Ladybird, had been the Startongue previously.

And yet none could deny her abilities, and when Snowy Owl was no longer able to lead, it was Striking Peregrine who was chosen to become the Startongue in his place.

She led her Kingdom well, being a confident leader who many could look to for advice. And for well over one hundred moons, she stood tall and proud as their leader. However, she was quick to clash with Roaring Lion once she became the Sovereign of the Empire, immediately establishing herself as a violent, bloodthirsty enemy of the Court who would take whatever she wanted. And Peregrine was not about to let the Empire destroy her Court, so war waged for many moons.

It was a final clash between the Kingdoms where Peregrine ripped life after life away from her sworn enemy, until Roaring Lion moved no longer. And for many moons afterwards, the Court was left in peace to rebuild.

However, one morning amidst the moons of peace, Striking Peregrine vanished without a trace. While many searched desperately for her, not even a scent had been left behind, and the Court had no choice but to move on in the absence of their beloved Startongue, with Burning Evening taking her place.