


1 year, 11 months ago




Amab demi boy

Unknown but he's definitely a child

Date of Birth

Short and small



Spark is an energetic a kitten with a big heart, he loves talking and having fun conversations about their interests. They think they can be friends with everyone, and gets super sad and emotional when things don't work out. He holds grudes but will forgive pretty easily. They love playing and goofing around, he's very fun to talk to but can definitely be a little too obnoxious sometimes.


  • Plover and Squoop
  • Attention
  • Warm sunny days
  • Adventures
  • Having fun


  • Sitting still
  • Being shouted at
  • Being alone
  • Feeling helpless
  • Fighting/conflict


  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content

Design Notes

  • Head is a different color from the body
  • Yellow freckles on his right cheek, red heart on his left
  • fat plush like tail
  • Almost always has a mischievous look on their face
  • Ear markings are not symmetrical
The Beginning

Spark was an abandoned kitten and was left in the forest to starve, luckily, a cat called Plover and a sea slug cat hybrid called Squoop found him and took care of him. They quickly became a family and Spark viewed them as his brothers, they were inseparable. Spark was always more intrigued by Plover's outgoing and confident personality, and they strived to be more like him, they liked Squoop too but just didn't treat him like a role model. The days went on with just the 3 of them, having fun and playing games.

Fighting and Conflicts

Soon Spark noticed Squoop's constant disappearance, Plover didn't seem to like that as his mood gets worse and worse each day. Spark was confused, why was Squoop leaving all the time? Where was he going? Why won't he tell us anything? Does he not like us anymore? Questions swirled in Spark's head, and they couldn't take it anymore, he needed to know why. Together, he and Plover searched around for Squoop, and before long they found him with another sea slug. Happiness and relief rushed through Spark's veins, Squoop was just hanging out with a new friend.

But Plover didn't share the same thoughts as him. Spark watched in shock as Plover rushed to push the other sea slug away, looking as menacing as possible, the sea slug stumbled away in fear and retreated to the shadows. Spark didn't know how to feel about Plover's actions, Squoop wasn't in any danger, he was just talking to a friend. They didn't even have enough time to enter the clearing to join his brothers before shouts of fighting and insults erupted from the 2 cats. Spark watched from a distance, too scared to get close, he hated the noise but they couldn't force themselves to leave his family behind.

The yelling continued for what seemed like a million years before it finally stopped, Spark sunk into the ground in relief, the noises filled with hate was finally over. That relief didn't last long as he watched in horror as Squoop raised his paw with claws unsheathed, it looked like he was going to attack Plover. Spark shut their eyes and put their paws over their ears, he didn't want to hear the fighting or see the bloodshed. But there was only silence, they slowly opened their eyes to see Plover frozen in shock with all kinds of emotions swirling in his eyes. Squoop was nowhere to be seen.

Things weren't the same after that, Plover became a shell of his former self, he barely moved or talked, let alone eat. Spark tried their best to take care of him, but it was too overwhelming for the young cat, he felt helpless and he hated it. Spark knew they couldn't take care of Plover alone and they needed help, so he went to the only other cat they knew, Squoop. But Spark didn't expect to see Squoop trying to convince him to leave Plover behind, outraged, Spark shut down the idea immediately and left, he couldn't believe that the cat he viewed as family wanted them to betray their older brother.

Spark stuck around Plover's side after that, refusing to even let the older cat out of their sight. But one day, Plover snapped, and Spark ran. He regreted his decision immediately, he just left his family behind, something they vowed to never do. the next few day were a blurr, he met a small community of abandoned kits and stayed in the group for awhile, Spark felt empty, but with his new friends they were slowly recovering.

Present Days

Plover did eventually came to find Spark and apologized, Spark was overjoyed that his role model and older brother seems to be finally getting over the incident with Squoop. Although it hurt him, he did decide to leave the small community to be by Plover's side again, they will never forget their kindness and hospitality, but they thought it was best to leave and be with his real family again.

It was clear that Plover had changed, he wasn't as confident or loud anymore, and would rather keep a low profile. Though it did bother Spark at first, they eventually just accepted that their big brother wasn't going to be like his former self anymore. Spark was just happy to see him smile and laugh again. Plover would sometimes go and visit Squoop to see how he was doing, in which Spark always went along with, but it was obvious that Squoop wanted nothing to do with them and has found a new family to hang around with. It hurt Spark deeply but at least they know that one of his brothers still cares about him.

Plover [ Big brother figure ]

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Squoop [ Big brother figure ]

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Leafsheep [ rival ]

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