


6 years, 4 months ago


The Merilux is a species is an alien species that has recently made contact with Earth, and has sent one of their "young" to join the Ultimate Academy of Hope's Peak, and is supposed to scout out Earth and see what it is like living with the species. 


With Merilux they do not have a "gender binary" like humans do, despite them looking somewhat human in nature, and has many genders, similar to mushrooms, and each of the genders is identified with the light color that is within the Merilux's sclera. They are usually lighter colors that considered pastels, like light purple, green, blue, yellow, etc. But there have been rare cases where the sclera of a Merilux is white or black.

Each Merilux has swirl patterns that are on their cheeks, they can vary from each member of the species, none of them having swirls that are exactly the same as the other, practically one of a kind. The swirls usually connect to someplace on the Merilux's facial structure, usually connecting to either the eyes, eyebrows (if they have any), above or below the ears, or the mouth.

Each Merilux has the ability to glow, and it is most visible with their cheek swirls if they are in a high energy mood. The other case is when a Merilux is in low health and then their veins will glow a color similar to the one in their cheek swirls' glow and their scleras. The veins only glow in cases of extremely poor health, when a Merilux is practically at death's door. Meriluxs can bounce back from this poor health if treated properly, but if you let them sleep, it is game over for them.

With their human-like appearance, they do have a good few other differences within their biology, they do not grow hair the same way as humans, their hair usually only gets long when they have reached what they consider "adulthood" which is when a Merilux's hair can reach their shoulders, which has no definite age. They are allowed to cut it before then but it will stunt their growth depending on how much they cut off. Their hair also tends to match the color of the scleras, being only slightly duller in color compared to the glow of their cheeks swirls and blood.

The body of a Merilux also has more bones, which are smaller in size and connect like how the human bones do, but with how their bones are structured they are less susceptible to bodily harm of bones being broken or misplaced. And if a Merilux's body is pierced their blood will leak out and whatever is attacking them, has a chance of being poisoned, with symptoms similar to phosphorus poisoning, but is more potent then a glowstick and has a chance of causing death if the target touches too much or ingests Merilux blood.