


1 year, 11 months ago


- Listen people, time to update this one brrrr

- Name change even if Orca is a good name, just not vibing with it so much, so- new options, Niratapa means "night", Kokila means "Cuckoo, Nightingale", liking those two so far- Especially cause has nickname potential too, and cause has lil spots on her body that mimic stars so yeah that's why would be named after something night related

- As you can see Niratapa name won in the voting, Nira is a nickname, Tapa too if you wish but Nira is prefered

- Ahem she/her, this one as well imp because yes look at her, just another simple one at least I cannot think of what else she'd be

- Occupation? Just your casual healer imp, probably, or just none occupation that cannot place her herself in

- Split colored! "black and white" not exactly pure black and white colored, also only facial markings are symmetrical

- Fluffy ears? Not feathered even if may look like it, don't know gives nearly axolotl vibes if you look at them hard enough and think about it

- Is she blind? I mean, looks like it since her iris are white and doesn't have pupils in them,,, I think she can see, but people probably first assume she is blind until asks about it

- Her tail isn't the longest, more so just little above her height? Overall it is also more on the thick side too, so isn't skinny tail at all

- Little skittish? Doesn't take too much to startle her when she is caught up in her own thoughts or focused on something else, might get spooked by sudden noise or shadow if sees from her corner of eye. Has jumped up before when something small and harmless came out of a bush when just been caught off guard and doesn't know instantly what is coming so usually reacts with flight response,,, not a fighter, her first instinct isn't to fight at all since is aware isn't that strong nor wouldn't stand a chance against someone obviously more dangerous

- Has unintentionally scared people at night in the middle world, I mean, what would you do if you see suddenly black and white figure in the distance or only the white part? Naturally mortals get spooked by that (can say for myself gotten spooked by something like that before)

- What does in the middleworld in the first place? Oh you know, curious imp things when has a chance to go there

- Funnily enough likes climbing on trees, just something she liked doing as a kid too and has sticked to it,,, also a way to hide from danger by climbing up high and just blending in, her skills are put in good use!

- Not much lore for her yet cause trying to think of something,,, Does enjoy interacting with others once is quite sure other one does not mean any harm

- Prefers to avoid higher demons, no no no, they are too scary for her and knows how they are sees no reason to interact with them unless interact with her first-,,, well, even if says a single word to her she'll flee, go hide behind a tree or a boulder within a safe distance or completely run away depending if feels like really is in danger

- Still entertaining the idea Moon and she knows each other, but what way? So far been thinking about she isn't quite fond of the larger imp, or rather wary about him for reasons,,, Let's say prefers to avoid him after knowing him better, looks really can be fooling even in imps,,,

- Likes fruits, fruits, you heard her, she isn't picky about them until are bit too exteme to her liking. Her absolute favourite one is mangosteen, cannot get enough of that fruit at all