Sinara Altissima



1 year, 11 months ago



Sinara Saliphie Altissima

Alias Sinara Saliphie
Age 400+
Gender Cis Female
Pronouns She/Her
Race Fairy
ClassBarbarian Paladin
Subclass Ancestral Guardian
Background Bastard Nobility

Proficiency Bonus +3
Initiative +3
Speed 50 ft
Armor Class 17
Max HP 83
Hit Dice 6d12+3 | 2d10+3

Ability Scores


16 (+3) Strength
+6 Saving Throw
16 (+3) Dexterity
+3 Saving Throw
16 (+3) Constitution
+6 Saving Throw
11 (+0) Intelligence
+0 Saving Throw
16 (+3) Wisdom
+3 Saving Throw
16 (+3) Charisma
+3 Saving Throw
+3 Acrobatics (Dex)
+3 Animal Handling (Wis)
+3 Arcana (Int)
+3 Athletics (Str)
+3 Deception (Cha)
+0 History (Int)
+3 Insight (Wis)
+6 Intimidation (Cha)
+0 Investigation (Int)
+3 Medicine (Wis)
+0 Nature (Int)
+6 Perception (Wis)
+3 Performance (Cha)
+3 Persuasion (Cha)
+0 Religion (Int)
+3 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
+6 Stealth (Dex)
+3 Survival (Wis)


Atk Bonus / Save DC

1d12+3 Slashing

Wrathful Smite
1d6 piercing

Word of Radiance
2d6 Radiant

Unarmed Strike
4 Bludgeoning


Martial Weapons|Simple Weapons
Light Armor|Medium Armor|Shields

Features & Traits

Background Position of Privilege
Thanks to her noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of her. She is welcome in high society, and people assume she has the right to be wherever she is. The common folk make every effort to accommodate her and avoid her displeasure, and other people of high birth treat her as a member of the same social sphere. She can secure an audience with a local noble if she needs to.
Barbarian Great Weapon Fighting
On her turn, when she scores a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 HP with one, she can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. Before she makes a melee attack with a heavy weapon that she is proficient with, she can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll to add +10 to the attack's damage.
Barbarian Danger Sense
She has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that she can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, she can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Barbarian Spirit Shield
If she is raging and another creature she can see within 30 feet of her takes damage, she can use her reaction to reduce that damage by 2d6.
Barbarian Ancestral Protectors
Spectral warriors appear when she enters her rage. While she's raging, the first creature she hits with an attack on her turn becomes the target of the warriors, which hinder its attacks. Until the start of her next turn, that target has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn’t against her, and when the target hits a creature other than her with an attack, that creature has resistance to the damage dealt by the attack. The effect on the target ends early if her rage ends.
Fey Gift Unicorn's Fury
She channels her rage into pure arcane energy through her horn. A silvery blue light emits from her horn granting her +2 to hit and +2 radiant dmg to all attacks.
Fey Gift Veil of Protection
She extends her hand and a silverly shimmering light in the shape of a shield emits in an arc in front of her granting her a +2 to her AC as long as the casting hand remains empty. She may also choose to protect a creature within 5ft that she can see instead of herself.

Paladin Resources

Divine Sense: 4

Lay on Hands: 10


Casting Stat: WIS

Atk Bonus: +6

Save DC: 14

Spell Slots

1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level

Level 1 Spells

Delay Death Paladin
  • Range: 60ft.
  • Casting time: C1 reaction, which she takes when a creature within range is reduced to 0 hit points or dies
  • Save: none
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Components: V, S


You stabilize a creature for the duration, until the duration ends or the creature regains hit points, it is immune to all damage except for necrotic; in which case the concentration is broken.
Faerie Fire Race
  • Range: 60ft./20ft. cube
  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Save: DEX 14
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Components: V


Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius. Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object can't benefit from being invisible.
Command Paladin
  • Range: 60ft.
  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Save: WIS 14
  • Duration: 1 round
  • Components: V


You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn't understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Level 2 Spells

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Level 3 Spells

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Level 4 Spells

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Level 5 Spells

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Spell (School)
  • Range: 00 ft.
  • Casting time: content
  • Save: content
  • Duration: content
  • Components: content


At higher levels: content

Zodiac sign Aquarius
Demeanour Formal and Polite
Sexuality Pansexual
Relationship status Taken
Love language Physical Touch

Economic Background Wealth
Religion N/A
Nationality Barovian
Current residence N/A

Personality Traits

  • Gentle Disposition
  • Modest


  • Generosity to those around her
  • Protecting the weak


  • Sergei Falls
  • Daemon


  • Unable to Lie
  • Expresses Gratitude but never says or takes 'Thank You's.'

Positive Traits

  • Kind
  • Selfless
  • Noble

Negative Traits

  • Low Self Worth
  • Emotionally Oblivious
  • Tempermental

With a gentle and noble disposition, Sinara gives the air of a rather lovely young lady. The facade of naive innocence is only solidified due to her blatant obliviousness to others' intentions with her. She isn't arrogrant nor does she take pleasure in trying to take claim to some empty title of 'nobility.' However, beneath the more quiet, formal exterior, an unfathomable rage lingers.
In the heat of battle, Sinara loses her reserved personality. She is brutal, wreckless, and violent-- but most importantly she's efficient. Her bloodlust is insatiable and, when fallen to the rage, will cut down any foe that stands in her way. Threats to her life are nothing more than obstacles to her goal: The Eradication of the Altissima Family.


  • Sweets
    • Sin has a not-so-secret sweet tooth. In childhood, her and her brother, Daemon, would often steal freshly baked pastries from the kitchen windows. She doesn't discriminate in her tastes though. Anything from baked, jelly filled goods to hard candies she adores.
  • Trinkets
    • It’s not a well known fact but Sinara really, really likes small metal trinkets. They don’t have to be precious metal like gold or silver– they can just as well be bronze. But a little locket or a tiny casted bunny makes her smile as she tucks them into her pockets. The fairy has accepted anything from a locket to a strange, unknown blue egg though and happily accepts the little odds and ends offered to her.
  • Delphiniums
    • Her favorite flower that used to be scattered in her family's garden. Between the soft petals and gentle leaves she found solace and peace during her childhood. They fill her with a feeling of warm nostalgia that simply can't be replicated by any other flora.
  • Honesty
    • Unable to lie herself, it irritates her even more when others are dishonest with her. Deception feels akin to betrayal and pulls a certain kind of anger from her core. However, if hiding something for the sake of others, Sinara is much more forgiving. She would scold lightly, assuring them she can be relied upon and doesn't need to be lied to for convenience.
  • Fairytales & Stories
    • Before everything fell to ruins, Sinara and Daemon would often hide away in the gardens. While Sin busied herself with weaving flower crowns, exploring, or simply resting, Daemon would regale her with everything he had been reading lately. He loved to retell the fantasy stories and folkhero legends to her and goodness she loved to listen to them-- imagining what it would be like to run freely and slay beasts as they did in the stories.


  • Strawberries
    • She has a bad allergy to Strawberries, something that wasn't taken consideration of when she was young. Multiple times Strawberries had been incooperated into meals without her knowledge resulting in days of being bedridden, severely ill. It got to the point where her brother often taste tested things before sharing them with her.
  • Iron
    • Her fey ancestry makes prolonged exposure to iron detrimental to her health. Not her armor, nor weapons are made of the metal-- instead being steel or steel alloys. While being wounded by iron weapons does not necessarily do more damage, if the metal is left like shrapnel in her wounds she will quickly begin to become weakened and ill.
  • Roses
    • Having spent many years being subjected to horrors while being wrapped in the thorns, to say that any plantlife with the prickly appendages puts her off would be an understatement. However, Roses are the most common she's run into-- and she loathes them.
  • Greed
    • The Altissima's Greed poisoned everyone and everything around them, including each other. Her father's selfish desires were what inevitably caused the seams of Sinara's life to fall apart. Her mother's Lust destroyed futures and broke hearts, Her Uncle's Gluttony repulsed her, Her brother Kain's Envy drove him to make every day of the twins' lives miserable, and her brother Rashi's Sloth prevented him from lifting a finger to try and do what was right. Being evil was easy for them, and Sinara won't tolerate it enveloping those around her.
  • Political History
    • Being noble children of bastard descent, Sinara and Daemon were held to much higher standards than that of their legitimate brothers. Hours upon hours were spent perfecting every skill that was deemed even slightly necessary by the social elite. So many welts and bruises on her knuckles and ankles from messing up or getting things incorrect, but what she loathed most was hearing the way families stroked their own egos by recording their own pointless social history. Who married who, who was disowned, which family toppled another-- she finds it bothersome and irritating to talk about.


  • Her Revenge
    • Sinara has devoted her life to the complete eradication of the Altissima family. To pay for the lives they ruined and everything they stole from her. She wants every trace of them burnt to ash and for their heads to roll at her feet no matter how much of her own blood it must take.
  • Her Winery
    • Before, Sin hadn't had any plans on what to do once her vengeance was carried out. In fact, her revenge, for many years, was all that she lived for. That is, until she met Kasimir. She'd confided in the dusk elf about a dream her and Daemon had shared in their childhood-- to open a winery and live freely away from the lives of nobility. And in response, he promised to give it to her.
  • Her Life
    • Now, with her winery promised to her and a whole life ahead of her, Sinara dreams of a future with her friends and Kasimir. She wants to build the family she never had, experience the good that life has to offer after experiencing so much evil.


  • Roses & Thorns
    • Having spent many years being subjected to horrors while being wrapped in the thorns, to say that any plantlife with the prickly appendages puts her off would be an understatement. She maintains as much distance as physically possible from them and pales at the sight. However, Roses are the most common she's run into-- and she loathes them entirely.
  • Failure
    • To fail her mission would simply be to die; an act she herself no longer fears, but rather she fears what comes along with it. She would lose everything she'd worked so hard for, her revenge, the life she desired, the love she so desperately craved. To fail would mean that it would all amount to nothing. And she's far too spiteful for that.
  • Loss of Control
    • Sinara is nothing if not wrathful and her shift in demeanor on the battlefield is light night and day. She can lose herself in the bloodlust and worries that someday it will simply overtake her-- that she'll hurt the people she loves and cares for, that she'll be like her family.

Skills & Abilities

  • Dance
    • Sinara is well educated in ballroom dancing. Her strict upbringing leaving her with muscle memory of an array of formal dances. Anything with a variet of box-steps she has a chance of knowing.
  • Charming
    • Albeit often unintentionally, Sinara has managed to charm a variety of individuals into desiring companionship with her; whether romantic or platonic. Her genuine want to be gentle and kind to others paired with her inability to lie has gotten her into some precarious circumstances before.
  • Meticulous Care
    • Her armor has many cracks and crevices for blood to make it's way into and Sinara has no tolerance for it. She prefers to be clean, and a build-up of blood could leave a smell that her nose just wouldn't be able to stand-- thus, nimble fingers make for good tools as she takes pistine care of her weapons and armor.
  • Intimidation
    • Though small and often posing herself as more dainty looking, Sinara knows when to let go of her composure. Between the enraged look of bloodlust that comes over her eyes and the flaring of her wings as she weilds her sharpened battleaxe-- it's easy to see she's a force to be reckoned with if she deems you a foe.
  • Quick Uptake
    • Sinara is quick to pick up new information and skills from the way she was raised. However it's retaining these skills overtime that is typically her downfall as new skills, if she doesn't use them often enough, deteriorate and fade from her mind entirely.


  • Neither of the twins ever learned to swim and without the means to ever learn or practice-- Sinara simply still can't to this day. Water is a dangerous foe.
  • Three beads are her most notable and prized posessions. They hang at the ends of her hair; two smaller ones and one larger. Her brother, Daemon, had a matching set. Additionally she wears a silver locket around her neck, a gift from a dear friend.
  • Golden scars cover much of the expanse of her body beneath her armors and skirts. Like precious metal glueing back together porcelain teacups. Additionally, she has a sigil on the top of her tongue that symbolizes a contract she's bound someone to.
  • Her BattleAxe is named Osveta, which is a Croatian translation for 'vendetta.' The exact definition is very fitting.
  • The ragged, dark red cloak she wears, despite the rest of her clothing being well put together, used to belong to Daemon. She keeps it for sentimental value as well as a symbol. A reminder of what she must do.
Height 4'8"
Weight 175lbs
Build Athletic Endomorph
Health Well
Skin tone Ivory
Eye color Powder Blue
Hair color Celeste Light Blue
Hair style Parted with a High Ponytail

Blood type Gold
Dominant hand Left-Handed
Voice Soft, Delicate, Sweet
Associated flower Delphinium

A small, white unicorn woman with iridescent glass-pane wings. Her blue hair is full and almost fluffy looking yet still silky. When idle she maintains a poised posture and has a very formal or icy looking composure when not being spoken to.
Two unicorn skull pauldrons sit upon her leather covered shoulders, acting as a brutal way to ensure others keep their distance. She typically keeps her wings folded down and tucked beneath her cloak for the sake of making room for Osveta to sit on her back. Despite the bloodshed, she keeps her lightly colored skirts and bodice rather clean-- similar to how she meticulously maintains the pristineness of her scalemail.
  • Golden scars cover much of the expanse of her body beneath her armors and skirts.
  • Sigil on her Tongue
  • 3 beads total in her hair. The two on her chest smaller than the one at the end of her ponytail
  • Her nails are the same color of powder blue and are always long like claws.
  • The end of her tail must be flowy looking, as though



  • CP: 00
  • SP: 00
  • EP: 00
  • GP: 00
  • PP: 00


  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00


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Optional intro



Childhood spent living as though she were dead. Her and her elder twin, Daemon, walking through the Altissima manor as though they were nothing but mice sneaking from the pantry. It was easier for all of those involved that way. For if they drew too much attention to themselves, Lord Altissima would come to deal with his wife's bastards
Losing their Nursemaid Tu'Alri was a devastating blow to the twins. What became of her? They never got the chance to know. In her place a cruel woman appeared, Tempest. Their replacement Nanny-- and one that blatantly favored the Lord's legitimate sons over the wards assigned to her. Tempest was a strict instructor and insisted on perfection. She claimed that if they wanted to insist that they deserved to live, they would need to compensate for their dirty blood with flawlessness.
The pressure was unkind. The lessons were grueling. Sinara will never forget the feeling of receiving lashes on the backs of her legs when learning to dance nor the raps against her knuckles as she memorized silverware placements and fan etiquette. But she would admit, due to the harsh lessons she excelled at poising herself. Every skill now engraved in her muscles-- nearly reflective. But in the end it didn't matter. They could put on a perfect show, try not to stand out, try not to bother-- they were still the eldest Altissima children and an eyesore to their mother whom wanted her legitimate children to inherit everything. So just like that, the betrayal the twins had always known was on the horizon came, snuffing out their hope for a simple future.

Trivia of Home

Expansive and shaped like a 'U' with the large garden sitting at the center. The only way out was a back door to the kitchen or the front gates.

The Altissima were very vain, so although their gardens were full of beautiful flora they rarely visited it making it a safe haven for the twins to spend their time in.

A small fish pond sat in the center where Sinara enjoyed the groundskeeper's beautifully kept koi fish.

They were not outright cruel or abusive to the forsaken twins of the family, but they were rather neglectful; Skimping out on duties that centered around the twins knowing they could get away without punishment.

That isn't to say that the staff were mean to them either, rather they didn't view the twins as nobility needing to take care of. They equated Sin and Dae to being on their same level in the pecking order, treating them as they would a coworker rather than a precious lady and lord.

Sinara and Daemon could exchange help from the staff for hiding things, sneaking out, etc in exchange for taking on some of their labour and chores. The staff never sought out monetary value from the twins knowing they wouldn't have much of anything to give in the first place.

Their father would still bring the twins to social gatherings despite their lineage simply due to pride. To leave them at home would be to admit he was ashamed of them, to admit that his family had a weak point. It worked in his favor though, much to the twins' dismay, as people spoke highly of how charitable and caring he was to include them and take such good care of them.

Sinara would rather have shoveled coals in the kitchen all day than attend these parties. More often than now she would be stuffed into these dressed and treated like a doll only to end up lurking at the edge of the room with Daemon or escaping to a balcony till it was time to go.

Though they praised Lord Altissima, the socialites' gazes were suffocating. Constantly watching for flaws to prove their dirty blood-- any slip up beneath them bringing punishments from both their father and Tempest.

Daemon's upbringing was near identical to Sinara's in every way, except where she took lessons on marriage, sewing, and the arts he had to take up a sword and take the same lessons as his brothers; Heirship Lessons.

Despite being illegitimate, due to him being on the family registry he was still legally the eldest brother and had just as much a right to inherit the name and title as his siblings did. Their mother despised that almost as much as their father did.

Daemon and Sinara were both subjected to a few near assassinations, but Dae took more of them head on with him being a threat to the position of heir. Poison, intruders, sabotage; He'd survived it all and did his best to hide that fact from Sinara. He focused on his training and used books as a means to escape.

Campaign title

party name location

1.1.2020 - 31.12.2020

premise/very brief TL;DR


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a orci dui. Donec mollis vestibulum quam. Pellentesque scelerisque varius bibendum. Proin sed elementum ligula, sit amet ultricies tellus. Donec accumsan urna at eros tristique, ornare tempus velit aliquam. Integer bibendum interdum lacus id vestibulum. Sed non elit quis libero pharetra pharetra et quis nisl. Sed euismod leo sed dapibus venenatis. Curabitur volutpat, ex nec imperdiet fermentum, odio lacus porta metus, vitae lacinia nisl augue eget felis. Maecenas fermentum massa id sem tempor tempus. Phasellus urna tortor, aliquam accumsan orci vitae, tempor sodales dui. Praesent at dui vitae eros gravida vestibulum. Etiam elementum leo ut pharetra ultricies. Nullam massa ex, tincidunt sed lacinia eget, malesuada et lectus. Phasellus tincidunt quam vitae quam vehicula, sit amet hendrerit libero imperdiet. Aenean imperdiet tellus vel nunc consectetur malesuada.

Suspendisse dictum, velit et dapibus auctor, ligula nulla fermentum justo, sit amet dignissim ipsum nisl at justo. Etiam commodo est ac eros lobortis, sed ullamcorper ipsum varius. Cras venenatis lacus vel tellus mattis varius. Donec at diam volutpat, facilisis lectus at, eleifend enim. Suspendisse at congue velit. Curabitur at dictum ante. Nulla aliquam metus id lectus condimentum, eu egestas ante vulputate. Praesent mollis nibh orci, nec hendrerit leo accumsan quis. Quisque ut vestibulum nisi.


Suspendisse vehicula hendrerit nibh quis sodales. Maecenas massa lectus, volutpat sit amet dignissim a, cursus at augue. Aliquam dui dolor, venenatis at metus et, scelerisque lacinia diam. Vestibulum lorem nisi, vehicula eu metus eu, euismod posuere nulla. Maecenas tristique, nulla ut dapibus rutrum, metus nisl aliquet libero, interdum dignissim justo metus in elit. Etiam vitae eleifend nunc, eu fringilla elit. Phasellus ipsum metus, auctor viverra viverra id, egestas ut odio. Suspendisse vel vehicula mi. Nunc aliquam lorem nec blandit auctor. Nam est ipsum, ultrices vel lorem vitae, accumsan elementum elit. Quisque sed sodales leo, non convallis lorem. Nullam et ultrices lacus. Mauris gravida, massa id pellentesque ultrices, nisi nunc sagittis elit, in pellentesque purus justo at augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim ipsum vitae sem feugiat dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque urna magna, fermentum eget vestibulum in, lacinia ut odio. In posuere libero urna, nec posuere sapien consequat vel. Vivamus eu risus orci. Nunc dignissim, lorem non viverra lacinia, sem velit porta mi, sed maximus odio est ut ante. Quisque urna diam, auctor id ullamcorper ut, ultricies ac elit. Sed eget nibh at nunc vehicula maximus ac a leo. Aenean scelerisque dolor lacus, at rhoncus dui auctor at. Etiam vitae nunc et lectus sodales rutrum non vel augue. Fusce vitae feugiat erat. Morbi malesuada tellus ac ex finibus eleifend. Suspendisse scelerisque purus purus, eu cursus tortor elementum ut.


Nullam et egestas risus. Donec faucibus malesuada augue, eu accumsan sem sodales eget. Suspendisse et urna mauris. Pellentesque sodales varius turpis vitae viverra. Vestibulum lacinia, elit vel tincidunt tempus, augue dui volutpat quam, et egestas massa justo sit amet erat. Etiam pretium purus tellus, vehicula porta mi scelerisque vel. Pellentesque vitae lacinia dui, et tristique tellus. Quisque consectetur nisi et odio aliquet, quis commodo mi dictum. Morbi volutpat eu nisl eget sollicitudin. Morbi lacus libero, ultrices nec erat ac, tincidunt commodo leo.

Sed vitae nunc maximus, vulputate ex id, rhoncus lectus. In elit tortor, pretium congue feugiat lacinia, maximus a neque. Curabitur pretium tellus sed est mattis, quis gravida urna pulvinar. Donec eget pulvinar nisi. Nam aliquam porttitor dapibus. Sed vitae blandit odio. Vivamus sit amet pretium ex.

party name location

1.1.2020 - 31.12.2020

premise/very brief TL;DR


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a orci dui. Donec mollis vestibulum quam. Pellentesque scelerisque varius bibendum. Proin sed elementum ligula, sit amet ultricies tellus. Donec accumsan urna at eros tristique, ornare tempus velit aliquam. Integer bibendum interdum lacus id vestibulum. Sed non elit quis libero pharetra pharetra et quis nisl. Sed euismod leo sed dapibus venenatis. Curabitur volutpat, ex nec imperdiet fermentum, odio lacus porta metus, vitae lacinia nisl augue eget felis. Maecenas fermentum massa id sem tempor tempus. Phasellus urna tortor, aliquam accumsan orci vitae, tempor sodales dui. Praesent at dui vitae eros gravida vestibulum. Etiam elementum leo ut pharetra ultricies. Nullam massa ex, tincidunt sed lacinia eget, malesuada et lectus. Phasellus tincidunt quam vitae quam vehicula, sit amet hendrerit libero imperdiet. Aenean imperdiet tellus vel nunc consectetur malesuada.

Suspendisse dictum, velit et dapibus auctor, ligula nulla fermentum justo, sit amet dignissim ipsum nisl at justo. Etiam commodo est ac eros lobortis, sed ullamcorper ipsum varius. Cras venenatis lacus vel tellus mattis varius. Donec at diam volutpat, facilisis lectus at, eleifend enim. Suspendisse at congue velit. Curabitur at dictum ante. Nulla aliquam metus id lectus condimentum, eu egestas ante vulputate. Praesent mollis nibh orci, nec hendrerit leo accumsan quis. Quisque ut vestibulum nisi.


Suspendisse vehicula hendrerit nibh quis sodales. Maecenas massa lectus, volutpat sit amet dignissim a, cursus at augue. Aliquam dui dolor, venenatis at metus et, scelerisque lacinia diam. Vestibulum lorem nisi, vehicula eu metus eu, euismod posuere nulla. Maecenas tristique, nulla ut dapibus rutrum, metus nisl aliquet libero, interdum dignissim justo metus in elit. Etiam vitae eleifend nunc, eu fringilla elit. Phasellus ipsum metus, auctor viverra viverra id, egestas ut odio. Suspendisse vel vehicula mi. Nunc aliquam lorem nec blandit auctor. Nam est ipsum, ultrices vel lorem vitae, accumsan elementum elit. Quisque sed sodales leo, non convallis lorem. Nullam et ultrices lacus. Mauris gravida, massa id pellentesque ultrices, nisi nunc sagittis elit, in pellentesque purus justo at augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim ipsum vitae sem feugiat dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque urna magna, fermentum eget vestibulum in, lacinia ut odio. In posuere libero urna, nec posuere sapien consequat vel. Vivamus eu risus orci. Nunc dignissim, lorem non viverra lacinia, sem velit porta mi, sed maximus odio est ut ante. Quisque urna diam, auctor id ullamcorper ut, ultricies ac elit. Sed eget nibh at nunc vehicula maximus ac a leo. Aenean scelerisque dolor lacus, at rhoncus dui auctor at. Etiam vitae nunc et lectus sodales rutrum non vel augue. Fusce vitae feugiat erat. Morbi malesuada tellus ac ex finibus eleifend. Suspendisse scelerisque purus purus, eu cursus tortor elementum ut.


Nullam et egestas risus. Donec faucibus malesuada augue, eu accumsan sem sodales eget. Suspendisse et urna mauris. Pellentesque sodales varius turpis vitae viverra. Vestibulum lacinia, elit vel tincidunt tempus, augue dui volutpat quam, et egestas massa justo sit amet erat. Etiam pretium purus tellus, vehicula porta mi scelerisque vel. Pellentesque vitae lacinia dui, et tristique tellus. Quisque consectetur nisi et odio aliquet, quis commodo mi dictum. Morbi volutpat eu nisl eget sollicitudin. Morbi lacus libero, ultrices nec erat ac, tincidunt commodo leo.

Sed vitae nunc maximus, vulputate ex id, rhoncus lectus. In elit tortor, pretium congue feugiat lacinia, maximus a neque. Curabitur pretium tellus sed est mattis, quis gravida urna pulvinar. Donec eget pulvinar nisi. Nam aliquam porttitor dapibus. Sed vitae blandit odio. Vivamus sit amet pretium ex.

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1.1.2020 - 31.12.2020

premise/very brief TL;DR


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a orci dui. Donec mollis vestibulum quam. Pellentesque scelerisque varius bibendum. Proin sed elementum ligula, sit amet ultricies tellus. Donec accumsan urna at eros tristique, ornare tempus velit aliquam. Integer bibendum interdum lacus id vestibulum. Sed non elit quis libero pharetra pharetra et quis nisl. Sed euismod leo sed dapibus venenatis. Curabitur volutpat, ex nec imperdiet fermentum, odio lacus porta metus, vitae lacinia nisl augue eget felis. Maecenas fermentum massa id sem tempor tempus. Phasellus urna tortor, aliquam accumsan orci vitae, tempor sodales dui. Praesent at dui vitae eros gravida vestibulum. Etiam elementum leo ut pharetra ultricies. Nullam massa ex, tincidunt sed lacinia eget, malesuada et lectus. Phasellus tincidunt quam vitae quam vehicula, sit amet hendrerit libero imperdiet. Aenean imperdiet tellus vel nunc consectetur malesuada.

Suspendisse dictum, velit et dapibus auctor, ligula nulla fermentum justo, sit amet dignissim ipsum nisl at justo. Etiam commodo est ac eros lobortis, sed ullamcorper ipsum varius. Cras venenatis lacus vel tellus mattis varius. Donec at diam volutpat, facilisis lectus at, eleifend enim. Suspendisse at congue velit. Curabitur at dictum ante. Nulla aliquam metus id lectus condimentum, eu egestas ante vulputate. Praesent mollis nibh orci, nec hendrerit leo accumsan quis. Quisque ut vestibulum nisi.


Suspendisse vehicula hendrerit nibh quis sodales. Maecenas massa lectus, volutpat sit amet dignissim a, cursus at augue. Aliquam dui dolor, venenatis at metus et, scelerisque lacinia diam. Vestibulum lorem nisi, vehicula eu metus eu, euismod posuere nulla. Maecenas tristique, nulla ut dapibus rutrum, metus nisl aliquet libero, interdum dignissim justo metus in elit. Etiam vitae eleifend nunc, eu fringilla elit. Phasellus ipsum metus, auctor viverra viverra id, egestas ut odio. Suspendisse vel vehicula mi. Nunc aliquam lorem nec blandit auctor. Nam est ipsum, ultrices vel lorem vitae, accumsan elementum elit. Quisque sed sodales leo, non convallis lorem. Nullam et ultrices lacus. Mauris gravida, massa id pellentesque ultrices, nisi nunc sagittis elit, in pellentesque purus justo at augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim ipsum vitae sem feugiat dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque urna magna, fermentum eget vestibulum in, lacinia ut odio. In posuere libero urna, nec posuere sapien consequat vel. Vivamus eu risus orci. Nunc dignissim, lorem non viverra lacinia, sem velit porta mi, sed maximus odio est ut ante. Quisque urna diam, auctor id ullamcorper ut, ultricies ac elit. Sed eget nibh at nunc vehicula maximus ac a leo. Aenean scelerisque dolor lacus, at rhoncus dui auctor at. Etiam vitae nunc et lectus sodales rutrum non vel augue. Fusce vitae feugiat erat. Morbi malesuada tellus ac ex finibus eleifend. Suspendisse scelerisque purus purus, eu cursus tortor elementum ut.


Nullam et egestas risus. Donec faucibus malesuada augue, eu accumsan sem sodales eget. Suspendisse et urna mauris. Pellentesque sodales varius turpis vitae viverra. Vestibulum lacinia, elit vel tincidunt tempus, augue dui volutpat quam, et egestas massa justo sit amet erat. Etiam pretium purus tellus, vehicula porta mi scelerisque vel. Pellentesque vitae lacinia dui, et tristique tellus. Quisque consectetur nisi et odio aliquet, quis commodo mi dictum. Morbi volutpat eu nisl eget sollicitudin. Morbi lacus libero, ultrices nec erat ac, tincidunt commodo leo.

Sed vitae nunc maximus, vulputate ex id, rhoncus lectus. In elit tortor, pretium congue feugiat lacinia, maximus a neque. Curabitur pretium tellus sed est mattis, quis gravida urna pulvinar. Donec eget pulvinar nisi. Nam aliquam porttitor dapibus. Sed vitae blandit odio. Vivamus sit amet pretium ex.


Twin Brother

[ Fairy | He/Him | X | X ]

Sinara's fraternal twin brother. They had been attached at the hip and his lack of presence is heavily felt.

Eldest Younger Brother

[ Elf | He/Him | age | Noble ]

A terror and the bane of the twins' existence. Kain's Envy often led to him using his status as favored son against them.

Younger Brother

[ Elf | gender | age | Noble ]

Riding on the tailcoat of his older brother just as his Uncle does his Father. Knew life was set up for him from the start resulting in a lazy, yet greedy son.


Early Mother Figure

[ Elf | She/Her | 245 | Nursemaid ]

Beloved Nanny to the twins, showed them genuine care and affection as though they were her own. Thrown out of the Manor as a punishment for the twins.

Biological Father

[ Fairy | He/Him | X | X ]

It's not known if he's deceased or not. Mostly due to the fact that neither of the twins ever knew who he was, much less met him. It was a secret even their mother kept close to the chest.


[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ Dragonborn | He/Him | 400+ | Champion ]

The first stranger to show her kindness and her first ever friend. Even after everything had been stolen from them they still had one another.


[ Wildhunt | She/Her | 125 | Burning Lycan Queen ]

Wife to Bruma and Sinara's second-ever friend. A sweet woman who looks out for those around there with a gentle, reassuring hand.


[ Lycan | He/Him | X | Good Boy ]

A hulking 7'8" werewolf himbo whose life had been saved by Sinara. Very sweet and thoughtful.



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]


Suitor, Lover

[ Dusk Elf | He/Him | 175 | Chief ]

A charming man whose swept the warmaiden off her feet. Attentive, soft, and, to Sin, downright perfection.


[ Eagle | He/Him | X | Wardbird ]

Kasimir's trusty companion and thus a beloved feathered friend to Sinara as well. She adores the sassy little gentleman.

Adoptive Mother

[ Archfey | She/Her | X | Deity ]

Before the twins knew her true name, they called her Dove by the feathers on her shoulders. It simply never faded away.



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]


Lord Altissima

[ Elf | He/Him | X | Noble ]

A greedy, sly, and downright wretched man. Will trample over anything and anyone to get his hands on his desires as quick as possible.

Lady Altissima
Biological Mother

[ Elf | She/Her | age | Noble ]

A cruel and vicious seductress who chased the tailcoats and skirts for her latest fix before inevitably breaking their hearts to return to her cold husband.


[ race | He/Him | X | Henchman ]

The last time she ever saw Daemon was beneath this man's blade, begging her to run while she had the chance as he was cut down. Everyday Sinara regrets leaving him behind.



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]


Party members


[ race | gender | age | class ]



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[ race | gender | age | class ]
