


1 year, 11 months ago



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"Hmph, you still got a ways to go."


Based off of the song Knife Fight by Lemon Demon!!

quite the knife connoisseur! they admire the beauty of knives and participates in collecting, trading, sports and tournaments in what seems to be something like an obscure cult. being a former leader of this organization of sorts, he is respected by those within the group and is seen as cunning, cool, tough, and even legendary to some! He doesn't like to think of himself better than others and is rather a good sport and will support those he cares about! however, he does tends to push people away when he feels like he's becoming too close and attached to them or feels like he's revealing a softer and vulnerable side of himself. sometimes it comes off like he is aloof but he's not completely unfriendly !

even if there are a few friends he is more fond with than others, he refuses to become anymore than a friend to them for,, reasons! they even feel much more comfortable when they are competitive and have rivalry with each other! his closer friends usually have kind of like a frenemy sort of relationship thing hah... unless it was his former lover who used to be the only person he could truly open up to...

Percy is very repulsive to physical touch. there are times where he is often looking over his shoulder being very alert of whos around him. Even if it is a kind gesture like a hand on the shoulder, Percy is good at at keeping their composure but will be quite distressed. He says he wishes he wasn't scared to be touched and comfortable reciprocate these gestures but has been conditioned where being touched makes them feel unsafe!! He will give piercing glares to those who get too close to him as a warning or even give them a verbal warning that they'll hurt them if they have to. Percy is not the type to impulsively resort to violence but will not hesitate to in defense or if he feels like the individual deserves it.

Percy is usually calm and collected but they can have a short temper sometimes and be quite snarky if agitated! usually when things dont go within his favor you're not going to get a very nice Percy. 56031947_Asw.gif


50352068_s59.gif Percy Facts!! 50352068_s59.gif

- british too 

- absolutely. HATES. anything sea animal or ocean related. hates seafood too, the thought of it can be enough to make him vomit. he's rather serious about his dislike and even gets a little distressed seeing boats !! will definitely hurt you if you make fun of him for this. anything related to this topic is basically like a trigger for him

- transgender !! started his transition around his late teenager years

- was stabbed in the abdomen by his friend pent once.. has a scar where he was stabbed! it was almost fatal

- Percy knows about Pent's family but refuses to meet them in fear he might get closer than he wants to be to pent

- occasionally smokes... he started when he was a teen to be more rebellious but now he just does it because it calms his nerves whenevers he's a little on edge... he promises to not make it an addiction though.. (personally i think he shoulfnt do it at all dont smoke guys)

-  yummy cnady he kinda has a sweet tooth!

- Percy is the one who introduced Pent to video games,, specifically the gamecube and thats howe pent discovered his favorite game sonic adventure 2!! Percy likes it too but perfers legend of zelda games or smth...

- His name wasn't always Percy but it's unknown what his name used to be before! chances are he doesn't remember himself as he often forced himself to forget

- He has a Russian Blue named Ryry! she is his emotional support feline friend,,

- if he had a chance to be with Keon again, he would.


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