Avien Clearsky



1 year, 11 months ago


NOTE: This page is under construction and will be reformatted very soon.
🩸 🩸 🩸
Name Avien Clearsky

Nickname Dumbass

Age 24

D.o.B. March 30th

Gender Male

Pronouns he/him

Height 5'10

Build semi-muscular

Race Undead

Role IT support & repair

Demeanor Goofball; sarcastic, tired

Aesthetic Muted colors; cities at night

Zodiac Aries

Element Water


HTML Pinky

introverted • goofy • kind • quick

Despite the initial online persona, he's a lot quieter than you'd expect. He doesn't tend to jump into conversations unless someone he knows well is in it, and his most common fall-back is to just send memes and only occasionally comment on something. Though, what he ironically lacks in self confidence he "makes up for" in his free-time, what with his genuine murderous tendencies. Not that it was supposed to be like this; and it's not something he's particularly proud of, per se. But then again, who would be?

After all! Being undead takes a toll on you, and keeping your body going without more obvious signs of decay isn't too unlike that of a vampire, unfortunately. It just means his hunger can be worse, and that he needs a lot more than standard vampires do.

Magic Ability







old, old bones

There's a fine line between doing what's best for the greater good, and doing what's best for your own self interests. Aviens parents most likely knew that, and most likely, simply, disregarded it altogether. But unfortunately in the wake of that decision was left a boy who never got that opportunity— and struggles quite badly with understanding not only the innermost workings of right and wrong; things like morals and all of that, but even moreso with understanding reactions and emotional responses from those around him, especially when they're at him.

The things he does are for his own self interest, and in his eyes, that is just enough. Now, that doesn't sit very well through your school-years, as you can imagine. While growing children can and inevitably will be selfish, the extremities of his hunger and violence went far beyond that; and garnered quite the anger from students and staff alike, leaving him with the bare minimum of educational support outside what he pieced together himself—but at least it made him pretty good at dissecting things on his own.

And, after all of that, he's found he much prefers to keep most things to himself anyways. He doesn't understand the details or how's and why's, but all of this time seems to have only taught him that, whatever the whole mess even is, it has never does him any good to talk about it.

the night-life

And, regardless what he thinks, late in the middle of the night when he tries to sleep but can't stop tossing and turning; he can't really give up the whole ordeal. Nor can he really explain it— his explainations never warrented much understanding or change of perspective to anyone before, and his parents never seemed to try to do it themselves. Why should he, and why should he bother trying again? It only makes things worse. So he keeps the killings to himself, and feigns innocence when that aforementioned detective vents about un-named victims of ongoing cases, being careful not to let information out that she shouldn't be, but admitting how she can't understand the barely-present evidence or the extremity of the case.

gluttony's right-hand hound

Being undead isn't as simple as being a ghoul, or a zombie. He actually stems from one of the Sins; in this case, Gluttony in particular! Although, when boiled down to his most basic self, he is technically just a really impervious zombie. Death doesn't meet him readily, and, from his perspective, seems to have quite the disdain for him as it never seems to fully claim him, no matter the circumstances of his death. His worst consequence only seems to be the leftover scars and slow recoveries for his worse-off injuries.. But, it seems that being so closely and immediately below Gluttony in terms of "respect" from the Sin, or something like that, makes his case quite extreme..? Something like that, he guesses.

other facts
  • Avien's favorite color is olive-green and similar!
  • Although he can't tan, he also can't sunburn.
  • His favorite food-type is ramen!
  • The bite-mark tattoo represents his undead self, and was a failed attempt at self-positivity in his eyes.

Sumira • best friend
Although his true self is unbeknownst to her, he cherishes her and her hospitality deeply. And that's exactly why she doesn't know.


Xillian • best friend
While he's also unaware, he feels a bit more confident in expressing his confusion with emotions to Xillian, seeing as he shares the same frustration.


Wryder • bad terms
A fellow murderer— and one that he's run into a handful of times. Though his banter is funny, it's frustrating to find your target stolen from you.