Kado Aurelo



6 years, 5 months ago


🌼Main Information🌼

Full name: Kado Piko Aurelo

Age: 22

Birthdate: March 9th

Species: Koppaite

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual(he likes both genders equally)

Personality: patient, positive, intelligent, and enthusiastic mostly, also quick to anger on topics such has his short height and being a weakling.

Favourite colour: red

Specialties: Tinkering with electronics, can repair spaceships and do maintenance on them, has brief knowledge of a big variety of subjects, very positive.

Weaknesses: Isn't physically strong, will not fight back with own hands(pacifist), very small, gets illnesses easily, fears a large variety of things which triggers his Hyperventilation Syndrome.

Born on Koppai, raised on Hocotate.

Family members: Rosemary(mother, deceased), Kaleb(father, deceased), Mikori(younger brother, alive), Kody(eldest cousin, alive), Kenneth(younger cousin, alive).

🌼Noteworthy information on appearance🌼

Kado is shorter than average for his age(basically a midget), has a form of heterochromia due to surgeries on his left eye(left eye is a paler shade of green and pupil has shrunk compared to right uninjured eye) and as a result is farsighted in that eye, also has three brown dots below his left eye which are birthmarks. Kado also seems to have pride about how natural, soft, fluffy, and well taken care of his hair is. Kado's jacket was a gift to him when he was younger from his biological parents and since then wears it constantly and dislikes taking it off. He also dislikes wearing his spacesuit because "he feels more exposed".

🌼Health issues🌼

Horrible immune system(contracts illnesses like colds and flu easier and it proves more harm to him as well).

Hyperventilation Syndrome(in his case, when exposed to things that are fears of his, he will start to hyperventilate, which will cause eventually dizziness and passing out unless he calms down).

Suffers from nightmares in his sleep(basically he stays up late as a result, wakes up abruptly at night, and sleeps late into the day. Not a morning person at all)

Passes out at the sight of blood

🌼Bio of sorts🌼

Born on Koppai, but was adopted to a Hocotatian couple at age 4, Kado seems a bit more at home with Hocotatian scenery compared to his home planet.

Age 7 is when he befriended an odd Hocotatian girl named Sibia at a junkyard, and since then have been best friends.

At age 9 he tripped on an object in a junkyard which led to getting his left eye stabbed by a piece of metal, which almost ended his life, but thankfully his best friend Sibia was close by and strong enough to carry him to a nearby hospital. Two years later, he regained sight in his left eye after many operations. Since that time he had been homeschooled and occupied himself when done with classes by reading more into what interested him, or tinkering with thrown away consoles and repairing them even.

Around age 16 is when he and Sibia started to make plans and assemble a spaceship named The S.S. Anne, which later is the vessel of which the two use to travel to the Pikmin planet PNF-404 and to Koppai.

🌼Fun facts about Kado🌼

Kado's middle name is derived from a PikPik Carrot, which is a vegetable Kado oddly enough enjoys, despite being Koppaite. It doesn't benefit to his health or help cure hunger, but he likes how it tastes.

Kado has been rejected twice when asking someone for a relationship. Rejected by both a Hocotatian girl and Koppaite guy. Harsh.

Kado's favourite flower are roses, and ironically he's also a very romantic type of guy.

Of the long list of injuries Kado has suffered in his life, the list includes having an eye stabbed, a broken leg, gunshot to the arm, gunshot to the chest, and a gunshot to the head(of which he miraculously survived, talk about luck!)

Kado wishes he could draw as good as his friends Sibia and Azu. Despite being horrible at art, he still enjoys trying.

Kado actually goes to therapy every week due to his issues with his nightmares and fears, hopes someday they won't be a problem to him anymore.

Kado's hobbies include collecting rocks, stargazing, playing games, and making electronics out of scrap or broken electronic devices.

Despite being a pacifist, Kado is very good at fencing and sometimes likes to try a little spar every now and then.