Reiya (Beastars SI)'s Comments

Heyo! I saw this character has quite a few comic pages, are they all uploaded to this profile in order? :o If not, how can I read it in order? :D

Hi! I’m so flattered that you’d like to read all the comics/// it’s hard to keep them in order on toyhouse here but I have them organized on my tumblr! You’ll have to do a little bit of scrolling and looking, but I tried to keep it pretty easy to find and read through them:

I finally got back to this and holy crap! The comic has me invested and now I really wanna read more haha

You have put the tag of "free", are you giving it away? ':0

I use Google Translate, I hope I don't sound rude or have misspelled ú.ù

Hi! "Free" is actually the name of a character from the manga/anime Beastars. My character is tagged with "Free" because my character has an important relationship with him. So I am not giving her away, sorry!