Valentine Deering (Dinah)



1 year, 6 months ago


Dinah is the cat that once was, before Valentine was brought into the world and took their place. They were taught by Ches, and named his successor before Valentine arrived.

They arrived in Wonderland alongside Alice, or rather, Dinah followed after her out of concern. She quickly got lost in the woods, where she stumbled into the Cheshire Cat, also known as Ches.

Ches took it upon himself to keep Dinah safe, but its extended stay caused it to become a beastfolk like many other animals in Wonderland. The change was hard on them, even moreso when learning Alice had already returned home, and that if they went back now, it could spell trouble for their entire being. It stayed in Wonderland then, living with Ches as they settled into life with the Duchess of Spades.

Dinah had heard a ruckus one day in town, and was amazed to find Alice. She was less thrilled with the realization so much time had passed that she was no longer a little girl; she was a teenager, and with her return she was being crowned the new Queen of Hearts. Dinah tried to reconnect with her, but was met with a harsh cry for it to be detained and imprisoned. That almost would've happened, if Ches hadn't stepped in and coldly stated it wasn't going anywhere. Before much else could be done, Dinah was swept away invisibly, and they returned to the woods.

The scenario left Dinah terrified of leaving the forest, even to the point it refused to return to the Duchess' cottage. Ches was... disappointed, but helped them set up a little den in the trees, and visited them everyday. Dinah grew more bitter about its divide with Alice, broken hearted at losing its childhood friend. The result was several future Alices disappearing or getting whisked away by the Cheshire-To-Be. Ches, pensive, gave his card suit to another in secret, and told them that, whenever he did die, that Dinah be granted the black joker card.

Almost luckily, this would not come to fruition while Dinah was still around, as they were later replaced by Valentine upon his death and transportation to the land of fairytales.