


1 year, 11 months ago


Name: DCN: #019 aka Isurus
Creation Date: 8/23
Age: Unknown
Gender: Doesn't Matter 
Sexuality:  It's a experiment?!
Species: Sharkling
Weapon of Choice: Claws
Likes: Walking around aimlessly, eating raw fish, punching things, biting things, likes to sneak up on things, stares aimlessly.
Dislikes: Trips alot, little to no talking (good for me), eats too much (bad for me since no food for me)
Personality: Curious, Clumsy 

Bio: #019 aka Isurus is one of my prized creations, and also one of the stranger ones. #019 is more or less a protector with little to no brains but alot of brawn. Isurus's whole body is cold, sub-zero temperatures and no beating heart...If you'd say it was a mindless zombie like in those childish movies you'd be right, well minus the lust for eating brains. The cold body is partly due to the subject dying in the middle of the experimentation...Probably for the best since that one was making too much loud and obnoxious screaming in the middle of surgery. I removed it's vocal cords so now it's just quiet.  

The strength is that of different sharks from many years ago that were documented from so called "humans". It's biting power is unmatched, being able to bite through certain materials with relative ease. With steel, at most will leave a bite mark. Had to adjust it's biting power due to it being the reason why several experiments expired...Now it's "house trained" to not bite certain things or I just block off it's access to where it'll be problematic in my work area