Vanaling species's Comments

is that a horn or a nose that they have?

Hello, I'm sorry for the late reply.

It's a nose, the horn is on the forehead. 

But since it's an open species, you are free to give them a nose horn too.

Wait, so r they a closed or open species cus' they're tagged both closed and open

they are a open species! the tag is only bc it belongs to the closed species peakits and their world building but u don't need to own a peakit or have to make it in their world. ir free to make the for u and ur stuff

yeee, thank u for responding! :)

also, if i made an OC, could i turn it into an anthro? Cause that would make it easier to integrate them into my main world.

You mean like a anthro version of a Vanaling? Sure. go wild

yeee thank u!