Rikkala Suthriim



6 years, 4 months ago



Rikkala Suthriim

sage advisor adventurer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Name: Rikkala Suthriim
Age: 20
Gender: female
Orientation: straight
Race: human
Origin: Telvan
Height: 5’6’’
Build: average
Home town: Kirikiryuu
Group Affiliation: Chant of Fire
Occupation/Rank: Sage


Known family members:
Mirala – mother
Tiren – father
Kairen – younger brother
Tilona – younger sister
Trian – uncle, Mirala’s older brother
Inlithan – uncle, Mirala’s younger brother

Musically, she’s quite gifted. It’s easy for her to talk to complete strangers. She has no difficulty performing in front of large groups as she’s been doing it since she was young.

Trait One

Her skin is very pale for a Telvanite

Trait Two

Her body is covered in scars from a nearly fatal fall she had as a child that she hides beneath her clothing. They’re largely concentrated on her back, thighs, arms, and there is a couple on her abdomen with a very large one across her chest. Only her face remains unscathed. She hates large staircases and small spaces, as they cause her mild to panicky fear.

Trait Three

The smell of alcohol makes her sick to her stomach every time she smells it

Trait Four

She can’t stand having to walk up or down large amounts of stairs. It’s not that she doesn’t like to do so, it’s that a small part of her still remembers just what happened on the day she fell down a set of stairs, getting her scars and that part is afraid of stairs.

Trait Five

She’s a terrible liar as her face gives her away every time.


  • hats and hair bands
  • blue
  • garnets
  • playing music


  • swimming
  • most physical activity
  • being alone
  • dancing


Physical Abilities: As a result of her powers, she doesn’t really feel the effects of the weather around her. She gets wet in the rain just like everyone else, but she doesn’t get cold.
Mystical Abilities: She has the ability to raise and lower temperatures. She can make it so hot that things combust or so cold that ice forms. It’s far easier for her to make it hot than it is to drop the temperature, as to make things cold she has to draw the heat into her body. She can make herself very sick if she absorbs too much heat and has even passed out from it a few times.



She was born in the small town of Kirikiyuu in Telvan. Shortly after her third birthday, her father got a job teaching in a school in Karath, so the entire family moved there. She’s the oldest of three siblings. Her two younger ones, a boy and a girl, are twins.
Ever since she was a little girl, she’s insisted on being the center of attention. She’s always been one of the more popular girls town. She’s always been an average student, making it through school at a reasonable pace.
She was very young, not quite five she had the fall that caused her scars.

Quite by accident one day she met up with the ancient Sage named Jasepara, who took Rikkala under her wing, teaching her about the Fire Lord and the role of the Sage in the grand scheme of things. When her training was complete, she took over the post of Sage allowing Jasper to spend the last month of her life in peace. Currently, she resides in a remote location known to very few.

Rikkala is incredibly outgoing and friendly, though she tends to come off as pushy. Nosy is another word that’s often applied to her, but she’s just overly curious and doesn’t really have much in the way of a sense of personal boundaries. When she’s really curious, she tends to forget that others might not want to talk about something. Behind her extroverted personality, she hides a great deal of fear. She’s afraid of being alone. She is also terrified beyond belief of heights. Stairs are an ever present source of fear and, unfortunately for her, their everywhere.



Kal Sharash

[ Sky Lord ]
She's his Sage.


[ advisor ]

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