


6 years, 4 months ago


A normal rabbit - ageless - theme

A vengeful spirit that appears over puddles of blood. Appears to those who hold grudges until they fester into violent urges. The rabbit will offer to kill whoever the person harbors such hate for. In exchange, it will leech off of your life force until the person is killed, and after the fact it will give you two choices. It will ask you if you would like to repent, or if you would rather live with what you have done, the act of taking another's life. This being is not divine. It is not holy. If you wish to repent, it is far too late now. This being is unable to save you from what you have done, and it is simply tricking you. It's version of repentance is plucking your soul out of your body and transforming you into an image of itself, and you will become something like this spirit, vengeful and unable to move on to the afterlife. 

If you chose to live with your guilt, this spirit will attach itself to you and implant images of the corpse into your mind until the day you die. Once it is attached, it is invisible to the human eye. Only a skilled exorcist would be able to even detect one. getting rid of it is another matter, and you will need a highly skilled exorcist to rid yourself of this malevolent spirit. It will haunt you nightly with images of the murder, and go so far as to make you hallucinate during the day, Those inflicted by this spirit generally do not last long after either decision they make, so it is best to avoid this entity entirely.