Giles Salvadore



1 year, 11 months ago


Set in the late 1970s!
Genuinely nice, funny, polite and sociable. He has a huge heart matched only by his intense interest in robotics! Gil spends as much time as he can manage on his breakthrough inventions; Sentient automatons whom he loves and treats as his equals. He funds his escapades through a novelty casino that features his creations, upholding a high standard of respect for the treatment of his staff & robots. This business also trickles into less reputable practices with some participation from local underground organizations that use his casino as a means to launder money, with Gil being compensated accordingly.
Outside of his work he is a fairly private person, preferring to spend most time with his creations and taking offense to those who would pry into his choice in lifestyle. Overall Gil is a bit of a pushover; He feels hugely responsible for the quality of lives his inventions lead and would bend in any direction at all to achieve a comfortable and loving environment for them to stay or leave if they chose.

Here's his playlist